págs. 143-146
págs. 147-150
Warszewiczia and sixteen other names in the Rubiaceae authored by J. C. Klotzsch: when and where were they published?
págs. 151-154
págs. 155-166
Extending the range of Rubus ser. Micantes (Rosaceae) southward: Rubus vallis-cembrae, a unique new species from Italy
págs. 167-175
Dizygostemon riparius (Plantaginaceae, Gratioleae), a new species from Maranhão, northeastern Brazil
André Vito Scatigna, Clenilma Marques Brandão, Gabriel Dalla Colletta, Rogério de Mesquita Teles, Kiany Sirley Brandão Cavalcante, Vinicius Castro Souza, André Olmos Simões
págs. 177-186
págs. 187-191
Typification of names of Clusiaceae based on material collected by August Weberbauer in Peru
José E. Do Nascimento, Volker Bittrich, Maria do Carmo Estanislau do Amaral
págs. 193-196
págs. 197-208
págs. 209-229
págs. 231-239
págs. 241-255
págs. 257-279
Book review: Kreutz C. A. J., Fateryga A. V. & Ivanov S. P., Orchids of the Crimea (description, pattern of life, distribution, threats, conservation, iconography)
Es reseña de:
Orchids of the Crimea (description, pattern of life, distribution, threats, conservation, iconography)
C. A. J. Kreutz, A. V. Fateryga, S. P. Ivanov
Sint Geertruid, the Netherlands : Kreutz Publishers, 2018
págs. 281-282
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