Law's persuasiveness and legal practice: A critical reconstruction of Bourdieus “juridical field”
Andreas Kerkemeyer
págs. 301-316
Power and criticism: In the field of tension between the individual and society: the transformation of philosophical approaches from Horkheimer through Foucault and Waldenfels to Habermas
Hans Friesen
págs. 317-339
The legal sociology of Eugen Ehrlich and constitutional law: The fact of pluralism and the role of Constitution
Marcos Augusto Maliska
págs. 340-358
Merkl's contribution to Kelsen's theory of legal interpretation: A comparison of both theories of interpretation
Matheus Pelegrino da Silva
págs. 359-375
Hart's Internal Point of View and the Theory of Legal Statements: A Problematic Relation
David Kuch
págs. 376-391
Tragic Cases: No correct answer? An approach according to the Legal Philosophy of Robert Alexy
Cláudia Toledo
págs. 392-403
The Structure of Equality – How to deal with the so-called "non-discriminatory elements of rules“
Dieter Krimphove
págs. 404-421
Karl-Otto Apels Letztbegründung der Diskursethik oder: ,,Transzendentale Reflexion und Geschichte“: In memoriam Karl-Otto Apel
Dietrich Böhler
págs. 422-426
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