qmodel: A command for fitting parametric quantile models
Matteo Bottai, Nicola Orsini
págs. 261-293
mixmcm: A community-contributed command for fitting mixtures of Markov chain models using maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm
Legrand D.F. Saint-Cyr, Laurent Piet
págs. 294-334
xtspj: A command for split-panel jackknife estimation
Yutao Sun, Geert Dhaene
págs. 335-374
Generalized two-part fractional regression with cmp
Jesper N. Wulf
págs. 375-389
Statistical analysis of the item-count technique using Stata
Chi-lin Tsai
págs. 390-434
Fuzzy differences-in-differences with Stata
Cl´ement de Chaisemartin, Xavier D'Haultfoeuille
págs. 435-458
Grade functions
John Luke Gallup
págs. 459-476
Tips for calculating and displaying risk-standardized hospital outcomes in Stata
Jacopo Lenzi, Santa Pildava
págs. 477-496
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