Ambiguous authority: Juan de Frías and the audiencia of Santo Domingo confront the conquistador Antonio Sedeño (1537)
págs. 427-455
Bodies of evidence: honor, prueba plena, and emerging medical discourses in northern Mexico’s infanticide trials in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
págs. 457-480
The triangle of empire: sport, religion, and imperialism in Puerto Rico’s YMCA, 1898–1926
págs. 481-512
The 1925 tenants’ strike in Panama: west indians, the left, and the labor movement
págs. 513-546
Tlacaelel remembered: mastermind of the aztec empire by Susan Schroeder (review)
Es reseña de:
Tlacaelel remembered: mastermind of the aztec empire
Susan Schroeder
Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2016
págs. 547-549
The death of aztec Tenochtitlan, the life of Mexico city by Barbara E. Mundy (review)
Es reseña de:
The death of aztec Tenochtitlan, the life of Mexico city
Barbara E. Mundy
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2015
págs. 549-551
Es reseña de:
Thunder shaman: making history with mapuche spirits in Chile and Patagonia
Ana Mariella Bacigalupo
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2016
págs. 551-552
Power and corruption in the early modern portuguese world by Erik Lars Myrup (review)
Es reseña de:
Power and corruption in the early modern portuguese world
Erik Lars Myrup
Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 2015
págs. 552-554
Es reseña de:
Insatiable appetites: imperial encounters with cannibals in the north atlantic world
Kelly L. Watson
New York : New York University, 2015
págs. 554-555
Mexican Americans and the question of race by Julie A. Dowling (review)
Es reseña de:
Mexican Americans and the question of race
Julie A. Dowling
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2014
págs. 555-557
Es reseña de:
Strangers on familiar soil: rediscovering the Chile-California connection
Edward Dallam Melillo
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016
págs. 557-558
Anarchist immigrants in Spain and Argentina by James A. Baer (review)
Es reseña de:
Anarchist immigrants in Spain and Argentina
James A. Baer
Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2015
págs. 558-561
Es reseña de:
Beyond geopolitics: new histories of Latin America at the League of Nations
Alan McPherson (ed. lit.), Yannick Wehrli (ed. lit.)
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2015
págs. 561-562
Mexico’s relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas era by Amelia M. Kiddle (review)
Es reseña de:
Mexico’s relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas era
Amelia M. Kiddle
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2016
págs. 562-564
Es reseña de:
Between preservation and exploitation: transnational advocacy networks and conservation in developing countries
Kemi Fuentes George
Cambridge : MIT Press, 2016
págs. 564-565
Es reseña de:
Enduring reform: progressive activism and private sector responses in Latin America’s democracies
Jeffrey W. Rubin (ed. lit.), Vivienne Bennett (ed. lit.)
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015
págs. 566-567
Es reseña de:
Dilemmas of difference: indigenous women and the limits of postcolonial development policy
Sarah A. Radcliffe
Durham : Duke University Press, 2015
págs. 567-569
Race, ideology, and the decline of caribbean marxism by Anthony P. Maingot (review)
Es reseña de:
Race, ideology, and the decline of caribbean marxism
Anthony P. Maingot
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2015
págs. 569-571
Es reseña de:
Cuba, the United States, and cultures of the transnational left, 1930–1975
John A. Gronbeck Tedesco
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015
págs. 571-573
Es reseña de:
Inmigración y racismo: contribuciones a la historia de los extranjeros en México
Pablo Yankelevich (ed. lit.)
Mexico : El Colegio de México, 2015
págs. 573-575
Upriver: the turbulent life and times of an amazonian people by Michael F. Brown (review)
Es reseña de:
Upriver: the turbulent life and times of an amazonian people
Michael F. Brown
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2014
págs. 575-576
Es reseña de:
History of political murder in Latin America: killing the messengers of change
W. John Green
Albany : SUNY Press, 2015
págs. 576-578
Es reseña de:
Queering acts of mourning in the aftermath of Argentina’s dictatorship: the performances of blood
Cecilia Sosa
London : Suffolk Boydell et Brewer, 2014
págs. 578-579
Medicine and nation building in the Americas, 1890–1940 by José Amador (review)
Es reseña de:
Medicine and nation building in the Americas, 1890–1940
José Amador
Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2015
págs. 579-581
La educación en Costa Rica de la época colonial al presente by Iván Molina Jiménez (review)
Es reseña de:
La educación en Costa Rica de la época colonial al presente
Iván Molina Jiménez
San José : Editoriales Universitarias Públicas Costarricenses, 2016
págs. 581-583
Alcohol and nationhood in nineteenth-century Mexico by Deborah Toner (review)
Es reseña de:
Alcohol and nationhood in nineteenth-century Mexico
Deborah Toner
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2015
págs. 583-585
Es reseña de:
Conflict and carnage in Yucatán: liberals, the second empire, and maya revolutionaries, 1855–1876
Douglas W. Richmond
Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, 2015
págs. 585-586
Es reseña de:
A sentimental education for the working man: The Mexico City penny press, 1900–1910
Robert M. Buffington
Durham : Duke University Press, 2015
págs. 586-588
Es reseña de:
The lawyer of the church: bishop Clemente de Jesús Munguía and the clerical response to the mexican liberal reforma
Pablo Mijangos y González
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2015
págs. 588-590
Es reseña de:
The inevitable bandstand: the state band of Oaxaca and the politics of sound
Charles V. Heath
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2015
págs. 590-593
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