págs. 367-368
Todd De Santis, Eoin Brodie, Jordan P. Moberg, Ingrid X. Zubieta, Yvette M. Piceno, Gary L. Andersen
págs. 371-383
págs. 384-398
Community Structure of Actively Growing Bacterial Populations in Plant Pathogen Suppressive Soil
Karin Hjort, Antje Lembke, Arjen G.C.L. Speksnijder, Kornelia Smalla, Janet K. Jansson
págs. 399-413
págs. 414-425
Protein Extraction and Fingerprinting Optimization of Bacterial Communities in Natural Environment
Maron Pierre-Alain, Christophe Mougel, Siblot Séverine, Abbas Houria, Lemanceau Philippe, Lionel Ranjard
págs. 426-434
Methodological Considerations for the Use of Stable Isotope Probing in Microbial Ecology
Josh D. Neufeld, Marc G. Dumont, Jyotsna Vohra, Colin J. Murrell
págs. 435-442
Modeling Taxa-Abundance Distributions in Microbial Communities using Environmental Sequence Data
William T. Sloan, Stephen Woodcock, Mary Lunn, Ian M. Head, Thomas P. Curtis
págs. 443-455
págs. 456-470
págs. 471-474
Finding the Needles in the Metagenome Haystack
George A. Kowalchuk, Arjen G.C.L. Speksnijder, Kun Zhang, Robert M. Goodman, Johannes A. van Veen
págs. 475-485
Metaproteomics: A New Approach for Studying Functional Microbial Ecology
Pierre-Alain Maron, Lionel Ranjard, Christophe Mougel, Philippe Lemanceau
págs. 486-493
págs. 494-497
págs. 498-506
págs. 507-511
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