Generalized Curie-Weiss model and quadratic pressure in ergodic theory
Renaud Leplaideur, Frédérique Watbled
págs. 197-219
The saddle-point method in $\mathbb{C}^{N}$ and the generalized Airy functions
Francesco Pinna, Carlo Viola
págs. 221-257
Nombres premiers avec contraintes digitales multiples
Bruno Martin, Christian Mauduit, Joël Rivat
págs. 259-287
Non-compact form of the Elementary Discrete Invariant
Raphaël Fino
págs. 289-302
Métriques hyperkälhériennes pliées
Olivier Biquard
págs. 303-340
Some remarks on the optimality of the Bruno-Rüssmann conditions
Abed Bounemoura
págs. 341-353
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