págs. 267-284
págs. 285-332
At the crossroads of a frozen conflict: political oversight of the Council's administrative budget by the European Parliament
págs. 333-360
National res judicata in the European Union: revisiting the tension between the temptation of effectiveness and the acknowledgement of domestic procedural law
págs. 361-390
Financial stability in private law: intersections, conflicts, choices
págs. 391-429
Between the devil and the deep blue sea: vulnerable EU citizens cast adrift in the UK post-Brexit
págs. 431-469
Consumer sovereignty and competition law: from personalization to diversity
págs. 471-504
How far can previous rulings or evidence determine an individual administrative decision? Glencore's implications for decisions within the scope of EU law: Case C-189/18, Glencore Agriculture Hungary Kft. v. Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Fellebviteli Igazgatósága, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 16 October 2019, EU:C:2019:861
págs. 505-528
When is a company not an undertaking under EU Competition law?: the contribution of the Dôvera judgment: Joined Cases C-262/18 P and C-271/18 P, European Commission and Slovak Republic v. Dôvera zdravotná poist'ovna, a.s., Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 June 2020, EU:C:2020:450
págs. 529-548
Residence right under Article 20 TFEU not dependent on sufficient resources: Subdelegación del Gobierno en Ciudad Real: Case C-836/18, Subdelegación del Gobierno en Ciudad Real, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 27 February 2020, EU:C:2020:119
págs. 549-569
Primacy and direct effect -still together: Poplawski II: Case C-573/17, Criminal proceedings against Daniel Adam Poplawski, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 24 June 2019, EU:C:2019:530
págs. 571-589
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