Provision of public goods by agriculture and forestry: Economics, policy and the way ahead
Davide Viaggi, Meri Raggi, Anastasio José Villanueva Rodríguez, Jochen Kantelhardt
Exploring the commodification of biodiversity using olive oil producers’ willingness to accept
Melania Salazar Ordóñez, Macario Rodríguez Entrena, Anastasio José Villanueva Rodríguez
Private landowners’ preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values: A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland
Liisa Tyrväinen, Erkki Mäntymaa, Artti Juutinen, Mikko Kurttila, Ville Ovaskainen
Hedonic valuation of harmful algal bloom pollution: Why econometrics matters?
Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas
Erkki Mäntymaa, Liisa Tyrväinen, Artti Juutinen, Mikko Kurttila
Moving (back) to greener pastures? Social benefits and costs of climate forest planting in Norway
Endre Kildal Iversen, Henrik Lindhjem, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Kristine Grimsrud
Public goods in rural areas as endogenous drivers of income: Developing a framework for country landscape valuation
Bazyli Czyżewski, Anna Matuszczak, Andrzej Czyżewski, Agnieszka Brelik
Farmland abandonment, public goods and the CAP in a marginal area of Italy
Matteo Zavalloni, Riccardo D’Alberto, Meri Raggi, Davide Viaggi
Policy instruments for environmental public goods: Interdependencies and hybridity
K.L. Blackstock, Paula Novo Núñez, A. Byg, Rachel Creaney, A. Juarez Bourke, J.L. Maxwell, Sophie Tindale, Kerry A. Waylen
The legitimacy of result-oriented and action-oriented agri-environmental schemes: A comparison of farmers’ and citizens’ perceptions
Annukka Vainio, Annika Tienhaara, Emmi Haltia, Terho Hyvönen, Jarkko Pyysiäinen, Eija Pouta
Emotions analysis in public spaces for urban planning
A. Kaklauskas, Diana Barkauskiene, R. Cerkauskiene, Ieva Ubarte, S. Raslanas, E. Radvile, U. Kaklauskaite, L. Kaklauskiene
How does resettlement policy affect the place attachment of resettled farmers?
Guoliang Xu, Yu Liu, Xianjin Huang, Yuting Xu, Chunyan Wan, Yan Zhou
Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in frontier areas: A case study in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
Cristian Vasco, Bolier Torres, Estefanía Jácome, Alexandra Torres, David Eche, Christian Velasco
From the ostensible objectives of public policies to the reality of changes: Local orders of densification in the urban regions of Paris and Rome
Badrul Azhar, Frisco Nobilly, Alex M. Lechner, Kamil Azmi Tohiran, Thomas M.R. Maxwell, Raja Zulkifli, Mohd Fathil Kamel, Aslinda Oon
Biofuel feedstock plantations closure and land abandonment in Ghana: New directions for land studies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Investments on urban land valuation by real options – The Portuguese case
Gualter Couto, Dulce Martins, Pedro Pimentel, Rui Alexandre Castanho
Environmental justice in Natura 2000 conservation conflicts: The case for resident empowerment
Marianna Strzelecka, Marcin Rechciński, Joanna Tusznio, Arash Akhshik, Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak
How does mining policy affect rural migration of Mongolia?
Amarjargal Amartuvshin, Jiquan Chen, Ranjeet John, Yaoqi Zhang, Dansranbavuu Lkhagvaa
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