A stage for nations: Spain and Latin America on display in the twentieth century
págs. 205-212
Ibero-American participation, world exhibitions, and the long nineteenth century: a historiographical overview
págs. 213-234
Between a burden and a business: Benigno Vega Inclán, tourism, exhibitions and power relations, 1911–1928
págs. 235-252
Renegotiating the Boundaries of the Virile Nation: the España negra of José Gutiérrez Solana in the art exhibitions of postwar Spain (1940–45)
págs. 253-270
The interoceanic nation in a world at war: Panama and the 1916 exhibition, a conflicted celebration
págs. 271-293
Spain on show: nationalism and internationalism in the presentation of the 12 October holiday under post-war Francoism
págs. 295-315
A transatlantic Iberian Peninsula: exhibiting the nation through the commemoration of renaissance voyages of exploration in Spain (1992) and Portugal (1998)
págs. 317-340
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