Effect of the applications of a biological formulation (Azotobacter salinestris, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Rhizophagus intraradices) on the yield of Allium cepa ‘Century’
E. Mamani, M. Acosta, M. Gonzáles
págs. 81-90
Characterisation of avocado and asparagus farms in the Chavimochic irrigation project in La Libertad, Peru
Walter E. Apaza, P. Quiroz, Alberto Marcial Julca Otiniano
págs. 91-103
Fertilisation Methods for Commercial Yield in Three Garlic Cultivars (Allium sativum L.)
J. Condor, J. Olivera, R. Pinedo
págs. 104-111
Genetic variation of maiden lily (Lilium rubellum Baker) within and among three natural populations in Fukushima Prefecture in Japan
M. Castro, T. Nishikawa
págs. 112-119
Physiological and Agronomic Characterisation of Six Cassava Clones (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Ana Eguiluz de la Barra, R. Pinedo, C. Figueroa
págs. 120-125
Peruvian Botanical Biopesticides for Sustainable Development and Protection of the Environment
J. Bracho Pérez, I. Tacza Valverde, J. Vásquez Castro
págs. 126-133
Floristic Composition and Diversity in Plots of Early Post-Agricultural Succession in Four Agroecosystems in the District of Cajatambo, Lima
V. Castro
págs. 134-143
First report of Enterobacter cloacae as a causative agent of soft rot disease in dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) stems in Peru
J Soto, C. Cárdenas, L. Mattos, C. Trigoso
págs. 144-152
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