A regression-with-residuals method for analyzing causal mediation: the rwrmed package
págs. 559-574
Power and sample-size calculations for trials that compare slopes over time:: introducing the slopepower command
págs. 575-601
arhomme:: an implementation of the Arellano and Bonhomme (2017) estimator for quantile regression with selection correction
págs. 602-625
randregret: a command for fitting random regret minimization models using Stata
Álvaro A. Gutiérrez Vargas, Michel Meulders, Martina Vandebroek
págs. 626-658
págs. 659-686
Estimating long-run effects and the exponent of cross-sectional dependence:: an update to xtdcce2
págs. 687-707
icio: economic analysis with intercountry input–output tables
págs. 708-755
Test scores’ robustness to scaling:: the scale_transformation command
págs. 756-771
kinkyreg: instrument-free inference for linear regression models with endogenous regressors
págs. 772-813
Review of Michael N. Mitchell’s Data Management Using Stata: a Practical Handbook, Second Edition
págs. 814-817
págs. 818-837
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