págs. 11-32
Performable Monologue: Profiling the Unconventional Theatricality of "Tragèdia de Caldesa" by Joan Roís de Corella, a Valencian Writer of the Fifteenth Century
págs. 33-63
Marian Laments from Medieval Bohemia: Performing Suffering and Redemption Through Compassion
págs. 65-90
‘Manus Tuas Commendo’: Blasphemy, Spells, and Night Prayers in Late Medieval Shepherds’ Plays from England and Castile
págs. 91-117
Kindel, Wiege, Windel: Zur Interaktion mit sakralen Objekten in Weihnachtsritualen und Weihnachtsspielen
págs. 119-142
Bewegte Grenzen: Beobachtungen zum kollusiven Potential ‘heiliger’ Figuren und Gegenstände im Mühlhäuser (thüringischen) Katharinenspiel
págs. 143-173
págs. 175-200
Processions, Processional Theatre, Simultaneous Stage: Variations of Venues and Stage Arrangements of the Lucerne Play Tradition from the Middle Ages to Early Modern Times
págs. 201-222
págs. 223-237
Unreliable Memories: Documenting the Scenography of the 1589 Florentine intermedi
págs. 239-281
Cora Dietl (res.)
Es reseña de:
Das Streitgedicht im Mittelalter
Peter Stotz (ed. lit.), Jörg O. Fichte (ed. lit.), Sebastian Neumeister (ed. lit.), Roger Friedlein (ed. lit.), Franziska Wenzel (ed. lit.), Holger Runow (ed. lit.)
Stuttgart : Hirzel S. Verlag, 2019
págs. 283-286
Nils Holger Petersen (res.)
Es reseña de:
Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages
Andrzej Dabrówka, Jan Burzunski (trad.), Mikolaj Golubiewski (trad.)
Berlin : Peter Lang, 2019
págs. 286-289
Noah D. Guynn, Pure Filth: Ethics, Politics, and Religion in Early French Farce
Jelle Koopmans (res.)
Es reseña de:
Pure Filth: Ethics, Politics, and Religion in Early French Farce
Noah D. Guynn
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020
págs. 290-292
Elza C. Tiner (res.)
Es reseña de:
The Performance Tradition of the Medieval English University: The Works of Thomas Chaundler
Thomas Meacham
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2020
págs. 292-297
Margaret M. McGowan, Festival and Violence: Princely Entries in the Context of War, 1480-1635
Max Harris (res.)
Es reseña de:
Festival and Violence: Princely Entries in the Context of War, 1480-1635
Margaret M. McGowan
Turnhout : Brepols, 2019
págs. 297-300
Oscar Armando García Gutiérrez (res.)
Es reseña de:
Miguel Venegas and the Earliest Jesuit Theater: Choruses for Tragedies in Sixteenth-Century Europe
Margarida Miranda
Leiden : Brill, 2019
págs. 300-303
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