págs. 1-15
págs. 17-38
págs. 39-70
The Bees’ Honey: Remarks on Students as Agents of Knowledge in Renaissance Europe Through the Case of Simon Clüver (1540–1598)
págs. 71-94
'Quididad', 'definición' y 'partes de la definición' en Dietrich de Freiberg: una interpretación de Metafísica VII, 10
págs. 95-136
Laying a Framework for Arabo-Greek Studies: The Translation of Arabic Scientific Texts into Greek between the Ninth and Fifteenth Centuries
págs. 137-142
From al-Biṭrīq to Ḥunayn: Melkite and Nestorian Translators in Early ʿAbbāsid Baghdad
págs. 143-181
págs. 183-224
págs. 225-279
Arabic Galenism from Antioch to Byzantium: Ibn Buṭlān and Symeon Seth
págs. 281-315
A Hitherto Unknown Greek Translation of Al-Majūsī’s Kāmil ṣināʿa al-ṭibbiyya Discovered in MS Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Suppl. Gr. 638: A Preliminary Study
págs. 317-345
págs. 347-375
págs. 377-380
págs. 381-383
págs. 385-390
Specters of Pico: A Note Concerning a Recent Book on the Oratio de dignitate hominis
Es reseña de:
Magic and the Dignity of Man: Pico della Mirandola and his ‘Oration’ in Modern Memory
Brian P. Copenhaver
págs. 391-422
Brevi note a margine di alcune recenti edizioni del De consolatione di Cardano: A Marginal Note on Some Recent Editions of Cardano’s De consolatione
Es reseña de:
Girolamo Cardano, Sulla consolazione
págs. 423-447
Navigating the Seas of Human Knowledge: Hernardo Colón and the New World of Books
Es reseña de:
José Maria Peréz Fernandez, Edward Wilson-Lee, Hernando Colón’s New World of Books. Toward a Cartography of Knowledge, Yale University Press, New Haven–London 2021.
págs. 449-467
págs. 469-488
págs. 489-502
From Venice to Cairo: Notes from an Early 16th-century Voyage Across the Mediterranean
págs. 503-517
Ragione e rigenerazione: Studio sul De originali peccato di Agrippa
págs. 519-568
Review of: Paolo Pellegrini, Dante Alighieri: Una vita, Giulio Einaudi, Torino 2021 (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, nuova serie, 747: Saggistica letteraria e linguistica), XXII + 252 pp., ISBN 9788806247218.
Es reseña de:
Dante Alighieri: Una vita
Paolo Pellegrini
págs. 569-573
Es reseña de:
Das Renaissanceabenteuer, Muslime zu bekehren
Florian Hamann
págs. 575-581
Es reseña de:
Review of: Michael J. B. Allen, Studies in the Platonism of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico, Routledge, London–New York 2017 (Variorum Collected Studies Series,1063). XIII + 348 pp., ISBN: 9781472448385
págs. 583-587
Review of: Laura Stagno, Borja Franco Llopis (eds.), Lepanto and Beyond. Images of Religious Alterity from Genoa and the Christian Mediterranean, Leuven University Press, Leuven 2021, 324 pp., ISBN: 9462702640.: A proposito di Lepanto and Beyond
Es reseña de:
Lepanto and beyond. Images of religious alterity from Genoa and the christian Mediterranean / coord. por Laura Stagno, Borja Franco Llopis
Leuven Unversity Press, 2021. ISBN 978-94-6270-264-6
págs. 589-597
Es reseña de:
Platonism, Ficino to Foucault
págs. 599-602
Es reseña de:
The Twelfth-Century Renewal of Latin Metaphysics: Gundissalinus’s Ontology of Matter and Form,
Nicola Polloni
págs. 603-607
Es reseña de:
Maimonides’ ‘Guide of the Perplexed’ in Translation. A History from the Thirteenth Century to Twentieth
págs. 609-620
Es reseña de:
Stay Tuned to the Future: Impact of the Research Infrastructures for Social Sciences and Humanities
págs. 621-631
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