The newly discovered tomb of Marcus Venerius Secundio at the Porta Sarno, Pompeii: Neronian zeitgeist and its local reflection
págs. 595-620
págs. 621-653
Engagements in and beyond Rome in the 5th c. BCE: architectural remains as evidence for action across geo-temporal boundaries
págs. 654-682
Between the living and the dead: use, reuse, and imitation of painted portraits in Late Antiquity
págs. 683-712
Signed by Valerius: an Early Imperial wall painting from the fort of Deir el-Atrash in the Egyptian Eastern Desert
págs. 713-742
Living in a fringe environment: three Late Roman settlements in the Kharga Oasis (Egypt's Western Desert)
Corinna Rossi, Nicoletta De Troia, Andrea Pasqui, Antonello Migliozzi
págs. 743-778
págs. 779-817
The Roman Republican castellum of Puig Castellar (Biosca): the earliest evidence for military headquarters in Hispania Citerior (180–120 BCE)
Esther Rodrigo i Requena, Núria Romaní i Sala, Cèsar Carreras Monfort, Joaquim Pera i Isern, Laia Catarineu Iglesias
págs. 818-847
Marble trade in the Roman Mediterranean: a quantitative and diachronic study
págs. 848-875
págs. 876-896
págs. 897-913
págs. 914-928
Understanding Roman architecture - F. Yegül, and D. Favro. 2019. Roman Architecture and Urbanism: From the Origins to Late Antiquity. Pp. xvi + 897, illustrations, maps, color plates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-4707-1.
Es reseña de:
Roman Architecture and Urbanism: From the Origins to Late Antiquity
págs. 929-936
Philippi: a very Roman city - C. Brélaz 2018 Philippes, colonie romaine d'Orient: recherches d'histoire institutionnelle et sociale. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 59. Pp. 399. ISBN 978-2-86958-299-6
Es reseña de:
Philippes, colonie romaine d'Orient
Cédric Brélaz
págs. 936-939
Palmyra revisited: 40 years of different ways of research - J. Seigne 2021. Observations sur la topographie de Palmyre. Studia Palmyreńskie 14: Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology. - M. Gawlikowski 2022. Tadmor – Palmyra. A Caravan City between East and West. Cracow: IRSA Publishers.
Es reseña de:
Observations sur la topographie de Palmyre
Jacques Seigne
págs. 939-949
The invention of Roman Gaul - M. Reddé 2022. Gallia Comata: la Gaule du Nord: de l'indépendance à l'Empire romain.: Collection «Histoire» (Rennes, France). Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes. Pp.400, 182 figs., 11 tables. ISBN 978-2-7535-8238-5, ISSN 1255-2364.
Es reseña de:
Gallia comata : la Gaule du Nord : de l'indépendance à l'Empire romain
Michel Reddé
págs. 949-959
Algunas observaciones acerca del Foro Provincial de Tarraco (Hispania Citerior) - M. S. VINCI 2020. Il “Foro Provinciale” di Tarraco (Hispania Citerior): Tecniche e processi edilizi. Bordeaux: Ausonius éditions. Pp. 212. ISBN: 978-2-35613-358-8.
Es reseña de:
Il "Foro Provinciale" di Tarraco (Hispania Citerior): tecniche e processi edilizi
págs. 959-967
Written in stone - F. Barry 2020. Painting in Stone. Architecture and the Poetics of Marble from Antiquity to the Enlightenment.: New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Pp. 432, 214 color + 116 b-w illus. ISBN: 978-0-30024-817-3.
Es reseña de:
Painting in stone: architecture and the poetics of marble from antiquity to the enlightenment
Fabio Barry
págs. 967-979
Roman viewers in context: displaying, enjoying, and explaining Roman art - B. Longfellow, and E. Perry, eds. 2017.: Roman Artists, Patrons, and Public Consumption: Familiar Works Reconsidered. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
Es reseña de:
Roman artists, patrons, and public consumption: familiar works reconsidered
Brenda Longfellow
págs. 979-993
Dyarchs in color - T. Şare Ağtürk 2021. The Painted Tetrarchic Reliefs of Nicomedia: Uncovering the Colourful Life of Diocletian's Forgotten Capital: Brepols: Turnhout. Pp. xx + 200. ISBN 978-2-503-59478-1.
Es reseña de:
The painted Tetrarchic reliefs of Nicomedia: uncovering the colourful life of Diocletian's forgotten capital
Tuna Şare Ağtürk
págs. 994-999
The landscape archaeology of special places: the Roman imperial palace Romuliana - G. Von Bülow, and S. Petković, eds. 2020.: Gamzigrad - Studien I. Ergebnisse der Deutsche-Serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen Band 75. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. Pp. viii, 406. ISBN 978-3-95490-477-8.
Es reseña de:
Ergebnisse der deutsch-serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana
Gerda von Bülow
The Bir Messaouda basilica: pilgrimage and the transformation of an urban landscape in sixth century AD Carthage
Richard Miles, Simon Greenslade
págs. 999-1004
Bir Messaouda at Carthage: a 6th-c. basilica tells a story of urban renewal and sectarian reconciliation - R. MILES, and S. GREENSLADE. 2020. The Bir Messaouda Basilica.: Pilgrimage and the Transformation of an Urban Landscape in Sixth-Century AD Carthage. Pp. 397 + 32 color plates. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow. ISBN 978-1-78570-680-6.
Es reseña de:
The Bir Messaouda basilica: pilgrimage and the transformation of an urban landscape in sixth century AD Carthage
Richard Miles, Simon Greenslade
págs. 1004-1010
Gods and farmers: the Late Antique village at Olympia, Greece - T. Völling 2018. Olympia in frühbyzantinischer Zeit: Siedlung - Landwirtschaftliches Gerät - Grabfunde – Spolienmauer, ed. H. Baitinger, S. Ladstätter, A. Rettner: Wiesbaden: Reichert. Pp. x + 116 pages, illustrations and plans (2 foldouts, 1 insert). ISBN 978-3-95490-363-4, 3-95490-363-6.
Es reseña de:
Olympia in frühbyzantinischer Zeit Siedlung - landwirtschaftliches Gerät - Grabfunde - Spolienmauer
Thomas Völling, Holger Baitinger, Martin Miller
págs. 1011-1022
Tra terra e cielo: la topografia ed il culto del lucus Deae Diae - H. Broise, e J. Scheid. 2020. Recherches archéologiques à La Magliana, 3. Un bois sacré du Suburbium romain : topographie générale du site ad Deam Diam: Roma Antica 8. Roma: École française de Rome; Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti Paesaggio di Roma. Pp. 521. ISSN 1120-8597 – ISBN 978-2-7283-1476-8.
Es reseña de:
Un bois sacré du suburbium romain topographie générale du site ad deam diam: Recherches archéologiques à la Magliana, 3
Henri Broise
págs. 1022-1027
(Aristocratic) domestic cults in Etruria, Lazio, Magna Graecia, and southern Italy - A. Piccioni 2020.: Culti domestici in Italia meridionale ed Etruria. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner. Pp. 272, 123 figs. ISBN 978-3-79843-552-3.
Es reseña de:
Culti domestici in Italia meridionale ed Etruria
Aura Piccioni
págs. 1028-1037
The meanings and value of Late Antiquity - J. STONER 2019: The Cultural Lives of Domestic Objects in Late Antiquity. Leiden: Brill. Pp. xii + 132. ISBN 978-9-00438-687-7
Es reseña de:
The cultural lives of domestic objects in late antiquity
Jo Stoner
págs. 1037-1044
The best of all possible brothels - S. Levin-Richardson 2019.: The Brothel of Pompeii: Sex, Class, and Gender at the Margins of Roman Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xx + 243. ISBN 978-1-108-49687-2.
Es reseña de:
The brothel of Pompeii: sex, class, and gender at the margins of Roman society
Sarah Levin-Richardson
págs. 1044-1053
Beyond Durry and Passerini's Praetorians: reassessing bodyguard units in the Roman world - C. WOLFF, and P. FAURE, eds. 2020: Corps du chef et gardes du corps dans l'armée romaine. Lyon: Centre d'étude et de recherche sur l'Occident romain. Pp. 823. ISBN 978-2-36442-092-2.
Es reseña de:
Corps du chef et gardes du corps dans l'armée romaine: actes du septième Congrès de Lyon, 25-27 octobre 2018
págs. 1053-1059
Language contact and the spread of epigraphic cultures in the Western Mediterranean, 3rd to 1st c. BCE - F. BeltrÁn Lloris, and B. Díaz Ariño eds. 2018. El nacimiento de las culturas epigráficas en el Occidente mediterráneo.: Modelos romanos y desarrollos locales (III-I a.E.). Anejos de AEspA 85. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Pp. 287. ISBN 978-84-00-10419-1 (e-ISBN 978-84-00-10420-7).
Es reseña de:
El nacimiento de las culturas epigráficas en el occidente mediterráneo: modelos romanos y desarrollos locales (III-I a. E.)
págs. 1059-1069
More than a corpus of inscriptions - S. Mitchell, and D. French. 2019: The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) 2: Late Roman, Byzantine, and Other Texts. Vestigia 72. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck. Pp. viii + 347, 6 figs. ISBN 978-3-406-73234-8.
Es reseña de:
The Greek and Latin inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. II, Late Roman, Byzantine and other texts
Stephen Mitchell, D. H. French
págs. 1069-1076
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