págs. 1-26
págs. 27-53
Following the Steps of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ in the Ottoman World: II: ‘Abd al-Raḥmān al-Bisṭāmī and His tashjīr Diagrams of Science
págs. 55-88
Desde el Exilio Morisco: Las Glosas de al-Haǧarī Bejarano al Códice Leidense del Kitāb al-Mustac īnī de ibn Buklāriš
págs. 89-192
The Forgotten Gifts of Hermes: The Latin Reception of Proclus’ Commentary on Euclid’s Elements
págs. 193-278
págs. 279-309
« Papa Eugenius transferri fecit »: Le De fide orthodoxa et sa Reception entre XIIe et xXIIIe siècle à travers le manuscrit Pise, Biblioteca Cathariniana, 2
págs. 311-376
págs. 377-412
págs. 413-416
págs. 417-421
págs. 423-451
Es reseña de:
Finally! On the Publication of the Critical Edition of the Latin Translation of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed
págs. 453-462
« Mahumetani sinenses velint de lege christiana et mahumetana disserere »: A Note on the Brevis apparatus et modus agendi ac disputandi cum mahumetanis by Carlo of Castorano (1673–1755)
Es reseña de:
P. Carolus Horatii a Castorano O.F.M., Brevis apparatus et modus agendi ac disputandi cum mahumetanis et opuscula breviora, ed. José Martínez Gázquez, Nàdia Petrus Pons, Antonianum, Roma 2021.
págs. 463-469
« We Are such Stuff as Dreams Are Made on, and Our Little Life Is Rounded with a Sleep »: A Re-edition of the Somniorum Synesiorum Libri IIII and a New Edition of Girolamo Cardano’s De vita propria
Es reseña de:
Jérôme Cardan, Traité des songes / De somniis, Édition, traduction, introduction et notes par Jean-Yves Boriaud, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2021 (Les Classiques de l’Humanisme), XXXV + 953 pp.; Jérome Cardan, Le livre de ma vie / De vita propria, Introduction, édition et traduction par Jean-Yves Boriaud, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2020 (Les Classiques de l’Humanisme), XXVI + 406 pp.
págs. 471-507
A New Season for the Study of Byzantine Theories of Vision
Es reseña de:
Roland Betancourt, Sight, Touch, and Imagination in Byzantium, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018
págs. 509-539
Private War: Origin and End of the Modern State? From the Nationalisation of Violence to the Depersonification of the jus belli
págs. 541-563
Robert Grosseteste’s Translation of Simplicius’s Commentary on Aristotle’s De caelo: Tracking down a Second Manuscript and the Greek Model
págs. 565-594
Domingo Báñez (1528-1604) and the novus philosophus: Cajetan, Franciscus Toletus, and the (In)equality of Human Rational Souls
págs. 595-634
A Fifteenth Century Byzantine Philosopher on His Christian Faith: George Amiroutzes’ Dialogue The Philosopher, or On Faith. Notes on a New Edition
Es reseña de:
George Amiroutzes, The Philosopher, or On Faith, edited and translated by John Monfasani, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2021 (Graphai, 1), 256 PP., ISBN: 9780884024859
págs. 635-642
Es reseña de:
Jean-Claude Schmitt, Le cloître des ombres, suivi de la traduction française du Livre des révélations de Richalm de Schöntal avec la collaboration de Gisèle Besson, Éditions Gallimard, Paris 2021 (Bibliothèque des histoires), 469 PP., ISBN: 9782072931468.
págs. 643-650
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