Factors Affecting Demand for Accounting Services of Enterprises Using Cloud Accounting in Hanoi
Nguyen Van Binh, Nghiem Van Bay, Dao Ngoc Ha, Truong Thị Thuy
Functioning of Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOS) in Mizoram: A Constraints Analysis
Improving Working Capital Solvency of Islamic Banks Under Macroeconomic Variables
Bader Mustafa Mahmoud Al Sharif, Sufian Radwan Almanaseer, Zaher Abdel Fattah Al Slehat
The Determinants of Price Earning Ratio: Evidence from Indonesia
The Drivers of Innovation at Universities: A Case of South African Universities
Dual Role Conflict of Working Women: A Pilot Study on Female Public Bank Manager in West Java
Community-Based Disaster Mitigation Communication Strategy Through Rainwater Harvesting Movement
Muhamad Hidayat, Andre Ikhsano, Achmad Hamudi Assegaf, Riantama Sulthana Fauzan
Behavioural Intention to Purchase Remanufactured Automotive Components: The Mediating Effect of Attitude
Intention to Quit as Mediator in Occupational Stress and Burnout Relationship
Mohd Sharif Mohamad, Zafir Khan Mohamed Makhbul, Abu Hanifah Ayob, Mohd Helmi Ali
The Relationship of Occupational Safety Management Practices with Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Organisational Justice
Laith Ali Zgair, Zafir Khan Mohamed Makhbul, Nur Atiqah Abdullah, Ahmad Raflis Che Omar
The Construction of a Management Control System in Traditional Financial Institution
Putu Yudha Asteria Putri, Iwan Triyuwono, Bambang Hariadi, Lilik Purwanti
Bricolage as a Management Tool: Literature Review
Mónica Ferradas Martínez, Judith Soplin Rojas, Lizet Malena Farro Ruiz, Hilario Chipana Chipana, Mery Gemeli Masias Fernandez
Do Information Technology and Human Resources Create Business Performance: A Review
Sutrisno Sutrisno, Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat, Budi Permana, Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap
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