Entropy-driven formation of a superlattice in a hard-sphere binary mixture
M.D. Eldridge, P.A. Madden
págs. 35-37
Stratospheric ozone depletion by ClONO(2) photolysis
R.L. Jones, R. Toumi
págs. 37-39
Theoretical determination that electrons act as anions in the electride Cs+(15-crown-5)(2).e-
David J. Singh, Henry Krakauer
págs. 39-42
Solid carbon dioxide in a natural diamond
Marcus Schrauder, Oded Navon
págs. 42-44
The depth dependence of earthquake duration and implications for rupture mechanisms
Heidi Houston, John E. Vidale
págs. 45-47
Magnetite formation by a sulphate-reducing bacterium
J. Grant Burgess, Toshifumi Sakaguchi
págs. 47-49
Inverse-dynamics model eye movement control by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum
K. Kawano, M. Shidara
págs. 50-52
Different roles of alphabeta and gammadelta T cells in immunity against an intracellular
Peter Mombaerts, Jorg Arnoldi
págs. 53-56
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia in mice carrying a dominant negative mutation in a matrix protein
Phyllis A. LuValle, Olena Jacenko
págs. 56-61
Molecular characterization of a peripheral receptor for cannabinoids
Kerrie L. Thomas, Sean Munro
págs. 61-65
Cloning and gene defects in microsomal triglyceride transfer protein associated with
Daru Sharp, Laura Blinderman
págs. 65-69
A mouse homologue of the Drosophila tumour-suppressor gene l(2)gl controlled by Hox-C8 in vivo
Hiroki Shoji, Daihachiro Tomotsune
págs. 69-72
Presynaptic A-current based on heteromultimeric K+ channels detected in vivo
Y. Joyce Liao, Morgan Sheng
págs. 72-76
Heteromultimeric K+ channels in terminal and juxtaparanodal regions of neurons
Dennis D. Kunkel, Hao Wang
págs. 75-79
Inhibition of DNA replication factor by p53
J. Michael Ruppert, Anindya Dutta
págs. 79-82
págs. 82-85
Adrian J. Ivinson
pág. 86
Non-injection methods for the production of embryonic stem cell-embryo chimaeras
Nick D. Allen, Stephen A. Wood
págs. 87-89
págs. 89-92
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