Research opportunities in management accounting
Robert S. Kaplan
págs. 1-14
Economic implications of single cost driver systems
Gordon Potter, Rajiv D. Banker
págs. 15-32
Reporting manufacturing performance measures to workers: An empirical study
Gordon Potter, Rajiv D. Banker
págs. 33-55
Accounting for replacement investments
Harold Bierman Jr., Jonathan D. Bierman
págs. 56-60
What's new about modern manufacturing? Empirical evidence on manufacturing cost changes
Debra Jeter, Germain Boer
págs. 61-83
Information and managers: A field study
William J. Bruns Jr., Sharon M. McKinnon
págs. 84-108
Is risk preference induction a reliable method of controlling risk preferences?
Frank H. Selto, Jean C. Cooper
págs. 109-124
Comment on: `Is risk preference induction a reliable method of controlling risk preferences?'
David E. Wallin
págs. 124-127
Incentive compensation design, strategic business unit mission, and competitive strategy
Joseph Fisher, Vijay Govindarajan
págs. 129-144
The association between performance plan adoption and corporate capital investment: A note
Jennifer J. Gaver, Kenneth M. Gaver
págs. 145-158
págs. 159-179
págs. 180-212
Product cost bias and selection of an allocation base
Yuchang Hwang, John H. Evans III
págs. 213-242
págs. 243-264
Antecedents and consequences of participative budgeting: Evidence on the effects of asymmetrical
S. Mark Young, Michael D. Shields
págs. 265-280
Investment monitoring systems, abandonment of capital assets, and firm performance
Kimberley J. Smith
págs. 281-300
Explaining cross-sectional workgroup performance differences in a JIT facility: A critical
Frank H. Selto, S. Mark Young
págs. 300-330
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