Beyond Human Rights Due Diligence: What Else Do We Need?
págs. 133-134
Business and Human Rights in a Changing World Order: Beyond the Ethics of Disembedded Liberalism
págs. 135-150
Beyond Climate Due Diligence: Fossil Fuels, ‘Red Lines’ and Reparations
págs. 151-179
Corporate Law’s Threat to Human Rights:: Why Human Rights Due Diligence Might Not Be Enough
págs. 180-196
Beyond Buzzwords: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence and a Rights-Based Approach to Business Models
págs. 197-212
págs. 213-236
Access to Remedies and Reparations: From Brazilian Practice to International Binding Standards
págs. 237-243
Emerging Regulations on Content Moderation and Misinformation Policies of Online Media Platforms: Accommodating the Duty of Care into Intermediary Liability Models
págs. 244-251
A Fast and Fair Energy Transition: How Community Legal Action and New Legislation are Shaping the Global Shift to Renewable Energy
págs. 252-258
Protecting Reproductive Rights Post-Roe: Can Companies Keep Your Data Safe?
págs. 259-264
Automotive Supply Chain Links to the Uyghur Genocide: Reversing a Growing Crisis
págs. 265-270
In the Wake of Bonsucro: Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Third-Party Certifiers at the Test Bench of OECD National Contact Points
págs. 271-276
The Catalan Centre for Business and Human Rights: Addressing Extraterritorial Corporate Human Rights Abuses at the Subnational Level
págs. 277-283
Mind the Governance Gaps: Harmful Corporate Strategies Leading to Avoidance of Responsibility and Civil Society Counter-Strategies
págs. 284-291
‘From Nuremberg to Kabuga’ - Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law: Industry and Atrocity, Joanna Kyriakakis (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021)
págs. 292-294
Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives: Human Rights Under Supply Chain Capitalism (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021) Edited by Daniel Brinks, Julia Dehm, Karen Engle and Kate Taylor
págs. 295-297
Anna Aseeva, From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Liability:: A Socio‑Legal Study of Corporate Liability in Global Value Chains (Oxford: Hart, 2021), 244 pp
págs. 298-300
págs. 301-303
Chiara Macchi, Business, Human Rights and the Environment: The Evolving Agenda (The Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, 2022), 201 pp.
págs. 304-307
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