págs. 457-485
Transitional Justice and Victims' Rights before the End of a Conflict: The Unusual Case of Colombia
págs. 487-516
págs. 517-549
Agrarian Reform and Revolutionary Justice in Soconusco, Chiapas: Campesinos and the Mexican State, 1934–1940
págs. 551-585
Moving On and Moving Back: Rethinking Inequality and Migration in the Latin American City
págs. 587-614
John Hillman, The International Tin Cartel (London and New York: Routledge, 2010)
Es reseña de:
The International Tin Cartel
John Hillman
London : Routledge, 2019
págs. 615-616
Es reseña de:
Saberes periféricos: ensayos sobre la antropología en América Latina
Carlos Iván Degregori (ed. lit.), Pablo Sandoval (ed. lit.)
Lima : Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2008
Antropología y antropólogos en el Perú: la comunidad académica de ciencias sociales bajo la modernización neoliberal
Carlos Iván Degregori (ed. lit.), Pablo Sandoval (ed. lit.)
Lima : Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009
págs. 617-619
Es reseña de:
Coca's Gone: Of Might and Right in the Huallaga Post-Boom
Richard Kernaghan
Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2009
págs. 619-621
Es reseña de:
The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics
Carlos de la Torre (ed. lit.), Steve Striffler (ed. lit.)
Durham : Duke University Press, 2009
págs. 621-623
Es reseña de:
Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-liberal State in Latin America
Edward F. Fischer (ed. lit.)
New York : Berghahn Books, 2008
págs. 623-625
Es reseña de:
Pistoleros and Popular Movements: The Politics of State Formation in Postrevolutionary Oaxaca
Benjamin T. Smith
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2009
págs. 625-627
Es reseña de:
This is for the Mara Salvatrucha: Inside the MS-13, America's Most Violent Gang
Samuel Logan
New York : Hyperion, 2009
págs. 627-629
Es reseña de:
Criminality, Public Security, and the Challenge to Democracy in Latin America
Marcelo Bergman (ed. lit.), Laurence Whitehead (ed. lit.)
Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, 2009
págs. 629-630
Es reseña de:
Democracy, Citizenship and Youth: Towards Social and Political Participation in Brazil
Itamar Silva (ed. lit.), Anna Luiza Salles Souto
London : I.B. Tauris, 2009
págs. 631-632
Es reseña de:
Brazil: A Century of Change
Ignacy Sachs (ed. lit.), Jorge Wilheim (ed. lit.), Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro (ed. lit.)
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 2009
págs. 632-634
Es reseña de:
Negotiating Democracy in Brazil: The Politics of Exclusion
Bernd Reiter
Boulder : First Forum Press, 2009
págs. 634-635
Es reseña de:
A History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present
Teresa A. Meade
Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
págs. 636-637
Es reseña de:
World Crisis Effects on Social Security in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lessons and Policies
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
London : Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 2010
págs. 637-639
Es reseña de:
Hearing the Mermaid's Song: The Umbanda Religion in Rio de Janeiro
Lindsay Hale
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2009
págs. 639-641
Es reseña de:
Christians, Blasphemers and Witches: Afro-Mexican Ritual Practice in the Seventeenth Century
Joan Cameron Bristol
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2007
págs. 641-643
Es reseña de:
The Dictator's Seduction: Politics and the Popular Imagination in the Era of Trujillo
Lauren Derby
Durham : Duke University Press, 2009
págs. 643-644
Es reseña de:
A Contemporary Cuba Reader: Reinventing the Revolution
Philip Brenner (ed. lit.), Marguerite Rose Jiménez (ed. lit.), John M. Kirk (ed. lit.), William M. Leogrande (ed. lit.)
Plymouth : Rowman & Littlefield, 2008
págs. 644-646
Es reseña de:
The Quality of Home Runs: The Passion, Politics, and Language of Cuban Baseball
Thomas F. Carter
Durham : Duke University Press, 2009
págs. 646-647
Es reseña de:
Negotiating Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Twentieth-Century Latin America
Dennis Merrill
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 2009
págs. 647-650
Es reseña de:
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Amalia L. Cabezas
Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2009
págs. 650-651
Es reseña de:
China in Latin America: The Whats and Wherefores
R. Evan Ellis
Boulder : Lynne Rienner, 2009
págs. 652-653
Es reseña de:
Base Colonies in the Western Hemisphere, 1940–1967
Steven High
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
págs. 653-655
Es reseña de:
Confronting the American Dream: Nicaragua under U.S. Imperial Rule
Michel Gobat
Durham : Duke University Press, 2006
págs. 655-656
Es reseña de:
Más allá del azúcar: política, diversificación y prácticas económicas en Cuba, 1878–1930
Antonio Santamaría García (ed. lit.), Consuelo Naranjo Orovio (ed. lit.)
Madrid : Ediciones Doce Calles, 2009
págs. 657-658
Es reseña de:
Havana and the Atlantic in the Sixteenth Century
Alejandro de la Fuente, César García del Pino (col.), Bernardo Iglesias Delgado (col.)
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 2008
págs. 659-660
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