págs. 184-586
Synthesis of novel anti-bacterial 2,1-benzothiazine 2,2-dioxides derived from methyl anthranilate
Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Zia-ur-rehman, Islam Ullah Khan, Muhammad Nadeem Arshad, Siraj Ahmed Khan
págs. 527-531
págs. 532-534
págs. 535-538
Removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions by biosorption onto acacia leucocephala bark powder: Equilibrium and kinetic studies
págs. 539-545
págs. 546-548
págs. 549-553
págs. 554-558
Synthesis, colorfastness evaluation and utilization of humic acid derived dyes / pigment
Saqib Nasir, Tahira B Sarfaraz, Khalid Khan, Ausaf Aleem, Rasheeda Parveen
págs. 559-565
págs. 566-570
Temporal variation of pahs in soils from the biobío region: Central southern chile
págs. 571-573
págs. 574-578
págs. 580-583
Mohamed Dahrouch, Enzo Díaz, Andrés Iturra, Maria Parra, Nicolás Gatica, Yanko Moreno, Ivonne Chávez, Juan Manuel Manriquez
págs. 587-590
págs. 591-594
págs. 595-597
págs. 598-600
págs. 601-605
Pharmacokinetic study of risperidone: Application of a hplc method with solid phase extraction
Pablo Torres V, M. Jacqueline Sepúlveda C, Carlos von Plessing
págs. 606-609
Photoactive polyacrylonitrile fibers coated by nano-sized titanium dioxide: Synthesis, characterization, thermal investigation
Hadi Fallah Moafi, Abdollah Fallah Shojaie, Mohammad Ali Zanjanchi
págs. 610-615
págs. 616-620
Rodrigo del Río, Francisco Armijo, Ricardo Schrebler G, Gabriela del Canto, Claudia Vergara, Cesar Gutierrez
págs. 621-624
New butyrolactone from a marine-derived fungus aspergillus sp
Aurelio San-Martín, Juana Rovirosa Rodo, Inmaculada Vaca Cerezo, Karen Vergara, Laura Acevedo, Dolores Viña, Francisco Orallo, Maria Cristina Chamy
págs. 625-627
Dft study on the mechanism of the addition reaction between carbene and glycine
Xiaojun Tan, Weihua Wang, Ping Li, Jinsong Gu, Guorong Wang, Dangsheng Wang, Tao Li
págs. 628-630
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