págs. 193-225
The ability of professional standards to mitigate aggressive reporting
Andrew D. Cuccia, Mark W. Nelson, Karl Hackenbrack
págs. 227-248
págs. 249-273
Specific investment under negotiated transfer pricing: An efficiency result
Aaron S. Edlin, Stefan Reichelstein
págs. 275-291
Solicitation and auditor reporting decisions
Pamela Erickson Shaw, Debra C. Jeter
págs. 293-315
Imperfect competition in audit markets and its effect on the demand for audit-related services
Mark Penno, Frank Gigler
págs. 317-336
The resolution of technical default
Messod D. Beneish, Eric Press
págs. 337-353
James R. Boatsman, Richard K. Fleischman
pág. 355
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