Estimating Lexical Priors for Low-Frequency Morphologically Ambiguous Forms
págs. 155-166
DATR: A Language for Lexical Knowledge Representation
págs. 167-216
Improving Statistical Language Model Performance with Automatically Generated Word Hierarchies
págs. 217-248
Assessing Agreement on Classification Tasks: The Kappa Statistic
págs. 249-254
Limited Attention and Discourse Structure
págs. 255-264
Time-constrained Memory: A Reader-based Approach to Text Comprehension by Jean-Pierre Corriveau
págs. 265-266
The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity by Thomas K. Landauer
págs. 267-270
Machine Translation and the Lexicon edited by Petra Steffens
págs. 271-273
Representing Time in Natural Language: The Dynamic Interpretation of Tense and Aspect by Alice G. B. ter Meulen
págs. 274-276
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