Role of business and education in the development of the national economy: world experience and ways of improvement in Ukraine
Sergii Khrapatyi, Elvira Sidorova
, Oleksii Zhamoida
, Liudmyla Herman
, Mykola Negrych
Service quality and customer loyalty in a movie theater chain in North Lima, 2022
Oscar Yabar Velarde, Yeny Irigoin Silva
, Brian Meneses Claudio
, Gustavo Zárate Ruiz
Ukrainian Educational Hubs in the Context of Russia's Military Aggression Against Ukraine: Successful Cases in EU Countries
Liliia Martynets, Roman Bobovskyi
, Ján Pochanič
, Yuliia Shabala
, Oksana Huda
Assessment of Factors Influencing the Stability of the Banking System: Experience of the European Union Countries
Andrii Meshcheriakov, Anatoly Maslov
, Grygorii Saienko
, Oksana Antoniuk
, Tetiana Sunduk
Public Health Risk Assessment System in Ukraine: Challenges and Development Prospects
Mykhailo Sosnov, Dmytro Lavrentii
, Valentyn Grushko
, Yuliia Oliinyk
, Ivanna Babik
Modern Approaches to Journalism in the Digital Media Era: the Role of Multimedia Content and Audience Interaction
Valentyna Stiekolshchykova, Iryna Putsiata
, Oksana Lavryk, Olga Marukhovska Kartunova
, Oleg Marukhovskyi
Community resilience: the case of Asunción Ixtaltepec Oaxaca
José Hernández, Ramsés Daniel Martínez García
, Mijael Altamirano
European Integration and Globalisation of Ukraine's Digital Economy: Strategic Directions and Prospects
Maryna V. Shashyna, Tetiana Pavliuk
, Yuliia Polusmiak
, Yevgen Piddubnyy
, Nataliia Matveieva
Exploring attitude toward scientific research among Peruvian university students: A cross-sectional study
Edwin G. Estrada Araoz, Néstor Antonio Gallegos Ramos
, Yolanda Paredes Valverde
, Rosel Quispe Herrera
, Freddy Abel Rivera Mamani
Exploring the relationship between metacognition and motivation in Peruvian basic education students
Luis Iván Yancachajlla Quispe, Sheyla Shericza Rengifo Ramírez
, Marilú Farfán Latorre
, Edwin G. Estrada Araoz
, Willian Gerardo Lavilla Condori
, Mari Luz Lavilla Condori
Gamification and Computational Thinking in Education: A systematic literature review
Serafeim A. Triantafyllou, Theodosios Sapounidis
, Yousef Farhaoui
Design and Validation of Payload: Weight for a Bioinspired Inch Worm Wall Climbing Robot (IWWCR) Using Coppeliasim
Rajesh Rajendran, Dhanraj Joshuva Arockia
, N. Shivakumar
, C. Rajanandhini
, Uthirapathy Saravana Kumar
, Hamsadhwani Vivekanandan
Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in the canton of Arajuno, province of Pastaza, Ecuador
Lina Neri Espinosa Pire, Abdel Bermúdez del Sol
, Dayana Valeria Cuyachamín Freire
The role of education in sustainable development: training for effective public administration and development of environmental and food security
Iryna Kapelista, Iryna Shymkova
, Oksana Marushchak
, Vitalii Hlukhaniuk
, Iryna Krasylnykova
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