Sharing the wealth - resource sharing developments in the Pacific making for a resource richer region
A. Cohen
págs. 107-111
Electronic article supply - making life EASY-er for all
T. Morrow
págs. 112-119
Assumptions versus reality: user behaviour in sourcing scholarly information
Mike McGrath
págs. 120-125
Opening interlending services to end users: the Catalogue Collectif de France
C. Creff
págs. 126-129
From traditional inter-library loan to a new interlending model - the role of the CURL monograph interlending pilot
S. Prowse, D. Massie
págs. 130-135
Interlending and document supply developments in South Korea
E. J. Shin
págs. 136-138
Changing information needs in a transition period in Hungary: satisfying demands from different sources
E. Kurti
págs. 139-141
Why the distributed national collection won't be coming to a library near you
P. Genoni
págs. 142-144
Interlending and document supply: a review of recent literature - XLII
págs. 145-151
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