Geology and palaeontology of the Upper Miocene Toros-Menalla hominid locality, Chad
Vera Eisenmann, Hassane Taisso Mackaye, Andossa Likius, Jean-Renaud Boisserie, Marie-Esther Etienne, Fabrice Lihoreau, Laurent Viriot, Patrick Vignaud, Franck Guy, Jean Claude Rage, D. Geraads, Philippe Duringer, Thomas Lehmann, Louis de Bonis, Cecile Blondel, Cecile Mourer Chauvire, Olga Otero, Nieves López Martínez, Mathieu Schuster
págs. 152-155
Possible in situ formation of meteoritic nanodiamonds in the early Solar System
J.P. Bradley, H.G.M. Hill, D.E. Brownlee, Z.R. Dai, D.J. Joswiak, M.J. Genge
págs. 157-159
Phonon-enhanced light-matter interaction at the nanometre scale
F. Keilmann, R. Hillenbrand, T. Taubner
págs. 159-162
págs. 162-164
Self-regeneration of a Pd-perovskite catalyst for automotive emissions control
T. Akao, M. Uenishi, Y. Nishihata, J. Mizuki, N. Hamada, H. Tanaka, T. Okamoto, M. Kimura
págs. 164-167
A satellite geodetic survey of large-scale deformation of volcanic centres in the central Andes
Mark Simons, Matthew E. Pritchard
págs. 167-171
Local dispersal promotes biodiversity in a real-life game of rock-paper-scissors
Brendan J.M. Bohannan, Marcus W. Feldman, Margaret A. Riley, Benjamin Kerr
págs. 171-174
Exceptional sperm cooperation in the wood mouse
Harry Moore, Katerina Dvorakova, William Breed, Nicholas Jenkins
págs. 174-177
Transmitter-evoked local calcium release stabilizes developing dendrites
Rachel O.L. Wong, Karen L. Myhr, Christian Lohmann
págs. 177-181
TRPV3 is a calcium-permeable temperature-sensitive cation channel
David E. Clapham, I. Scott Ramsey, Peter S. DiStefano, Immaculada Silos-Santiago, Jayhong A. Chong, Jeremiah Lilly, Rory Curtis, Deborah Lawson, Suhas A. Kotecha, Magdalene M. Moran
págs. 181-186
TRPV3 is a temperature-sensitive vanilloid receptor-like protein
D. Smart, M.J. Gunthorpe, J.C. Jerman, L. Ooi, J.E. Wright, K.J. Charles, J.-P. Walhin, G. D. Smith, P. Anand, P.D. Hayes, J. Egerton, A.D. Randall, R.E. Kelsell, P. Reilly, P. Facer, J.B. Davis
págs. 186-190
Release of chromatin protein HMGB1 by necrotic cells triggers inflammation
Tom Misteli, Paola Scaffidi, Marco E. Bianchi
págs. 191-195
Reciprocal regulation of CD4/CD8 expression by SWI/SNF-like BAF complexes
Gerald R. Crabtree, Tian H. Chi, Ichiro Taniuchi, Dan R. Littman
págs. 195-198
Apoptosis disables CD31-mediated cells detachment from phagocytes promoting binding and engulfment
Ewan Ross, Isabelle Heinisch, Chris D. Buckley, Kate Shaw, John Savill, Simon Brown
págs. 200-203
Overexpression of ¿-carotene hydroxylase enhances stress tolerance in Arabidopsis
C.N. Hunter, P.A. Davidson, P. Horton
págs. 203-206
NMR analysis of a 900K GroEL-GroES complex
Eric B. Bertelsen, Arthur L. Horwich, Jocelyne Fiaux, Kurt Wuthrich
págs. 207-211
Richard Turner
pág. 213
The antiquity of RNA-based evolution
Gerald F. Joyce
págs. 214-221
The chemical repertoire of natural ribozymes
Thomas R. Cech, Jennifer A. Doudna
págs. 222-228
The involvement of RNA in ribosome function
Thomas A. Steitz, Peter B. Moore
págs. 229-235
pág. 236
Gregory J. Hannon
págs. 244-251
Emerging clinical applications of RNA
Eli Gilboa, Bruce A. Sullenger
págs. 252-258
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