H. S. Muller, J. Farhoomand
págs. 1-8
Rotational Analysis of the Ground State and the Lowest Fundamentals v~3, v~5, and v~6 of ^1^3CH~3D
O. N. Ulenikov, N. E. Tyabaeva, G. A. Onopenko
págs. 9-17
M. D. Allen, D. A. Gillett, K. M. Evenson
págs. 18-29
Pulse Pyrolysis Infrared Laser Jet Spectroscopy of Chloroketene
R. J. Livingstone, Z. Liu
págs. 30-35
H. Bredohl, A. Farkhsi
págs. 36-55
Diode-Laser Measurements of N~2-Broadening Coefficients in the v~7 Band of C~2H~4
B. Jean-Pierre, J. Walrand, G. Blanquet
págs. 56-61
A Theoretical Study of the Methyl and Aldehyde Torsion FIR Spectra in Symmetric Propanal Isotopomers
págs. 62-69
págs. 70-82
The Intensities of Methane in the 3-5 mum Region Revisited
J. P. Champion, L. Fejard
págs. 83-94
G. Dhont, B. Zhilinskii, D. Sadovskii
págs. 95-108
Algebraic Description of Stretching and Bending Vibrational Spectra of H~2O and H~2S
Y. Zheng, S. Ding
págs. 109-115
High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of the A^2B~2-X^2A~1 and B^2B~1-X^2A~1 Systems of SrNH~2
P. F. Bernath, C. R. Brazier
págs. 116-123
págs. 124-127
Optical Spectroscopy of Diatomic Species: Copper with Group 14 Elements (Si, Ge, Sn, Pb)
J. Schamps, Y. Lefebvre
págs. 128-133
págs. 134-142
págs. 143-150
Absolute Line Intensities in the 2v~2^o Band of Cyanogen Chloride at 12.8 mum
M. Lepere, G. Blanquet
págs. 151-155
High-Resolution Absorption Spectroscopy of the 3v~1 and 3v~1 + v~3 Bands of Propyne
E. Bertseva, A. Campargue
págs. 156-163
Simultaneous Analysis of the v~2 Raman and v~2 + v~6 Infrared Spectra of the SF~6 Molecule
R. Z. Martinez, D. Bermejo
págs. 164-171
págs. 172-174
G. T. Fraser, W. J. Lafferty, B. Maté
págs. 175-177
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