High-Order Resonances in the Water Molecule
O. Naumenko, A. Bykov
págs. 1-8
págs. 9-15
Y. Liu, C. Duan
págs. 16-19
Collisional-Broadened and Dicke-Narrowed Lineshapes of H~2^1^6O and H~2^1^8O Transitions at 1.39 mum
L. Moretti
págs. 20-27
Equilibrium Structure and Spectroscopic Constants of Difluorovinylidene: An ab Initio Study
J. Breidung
págs. 28-37
A High-Resolution Microwave Study of the Conformations of Butan-2-ol in a Supersonic Expansion
A. K. King, B. J. Howard
págs. 38-42
Absolute Intensities of the 10-mum Bands of ^1^6O~3
M.-R. De Backer-Barilly
págs. 43-53
H. Bürger, E. B. MKadmi
págs. 54-61
págs. 62-72
págs. 73-80
págs. 81-85
Rovibrational Analysis of the v~2 Band of Diazirine-d~2
A. Baldacci, P. Stoppa, F. Hegelund, A. Gambi
págs. 86-91
A Study of the (2-0) Overtone Bands of the FO, BrO, and IO Free Radicals by Laser Magnetic Resonance
S. M. Kermode, F. Tamassia
págs. 92-101
Diode-Laser Jet Spectra and Analysis of the v~1 and v~4 Fundamentals of CCl~3F
M. Snels, L. Piccarreta, H. Hollenstein, G. D Amico
págs. 102-109
Submillimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of Phosphaalkynes: HCCCP, NCCP, HCP, and DCP
L. Bizzocchi, Holger S.P. Müller, S. Thorwirth
págs. 110-116
Cavity-Ring-Down Spectroscopy on Water Vapor in the Range 555-604 nm
H. Naus, W. Ubachs, O. L. Polyansky, P. F. Levelt
págs. 117-121
págs. 122-127
C. E. Miller, B. J. Drouin, Holger S.P. Müller
págs. 128-138
The Predissociation of the 1^3Sigma~g^- State of ^7Li~2
Y. Liu, X. Dai, J. O. Clevenger, L. Li
págs. 139-145
Infrared and Millimeter-Wave Study of the Four Lowest Torsional States of CH~3CF~3
J. Schroderus, S.-X. Wang
págs. 146-163
págs. 164-172
págs. 173-176
Isotopic Study of Rotational Spectra of the Ar-Acetylene Complex
Y. Liu, W. Jager
págs. 177-182
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