págs. 5-5
Feasibility of GPS use to locate wild ungulates in high mountain environment
C. Adrados, G. Janeau, J. P. Marinot, A. Peracino, B. Bassano, I. Girard
págs. 7-13
The potential of distance sampling methods to estimate abundance of mountain ungulates: review of usefulness and limitations
Jesús M. Pérez Jiménez, José Enrique Granados Torres, Enrique Serrano Cañadas, R. Alpízar-Jara, Ramón C. Soriguer Escofet
págs. 15-23
págs. 25-37
págs. 39-45
págs. 47-56
págs. 57-63
págs. 65-80
págs. 81-88
Grouping patterns in a forest dwelling population of Pyrenean chamois
I. Garín, R. García-González, J. Herrero, A. Aldeazabal, A. García Serrano
págs. 89-101
págs. 103-115
págs. 117-127
págs. 129-150
págs. 151-168
Characteristics of the Iberian wild goat "Capra pyrenaica hispanica" of Madrona and Sierra Quintana (Spain): the success of private management
págs. 169-180
págs. 181-189
págs. 191-200
págs. 201-209
págs. 211-217
págs. 219-226
Mountain ungulates and the conservation of scarce plant species: the cases of "Delphinium montanum" and "Xatardia scabra"
págs. 227-230
Trophy hunting for endangered species, including Asian caprinae: comments from the perspective of a cites scientific authority of an EC-country
págs. 231-237
Conclusions of the Third World Conference on Mountain Ungulates
The Organizing and Scientific Committees Third World Conference on Mountain Ungulates
págs. 239-241
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