Vulnerability of groundwater resources from agricultural activities in southern Kuwait
Mohamed Al-Senafy, Jofi Abraham
págs. 1-15
Examining traditional irrigation methods, irrigation scheduling and alternate furrows irrigation on vertisols in northern Ethiopia
H. Verplancke, B. Mintesinot, E. Van Ranst
págs. 17-27
Evaluation of a crop water stress index for detecting water stress in winter wheat in the North China Plain
Xiao-Min Sun, Guofu Yuan, Yi Luo
págs. 29-40
Deficiency of water can enhance root respiration rate of drought-sensitive but not drought-tolerant spring wheat
Hong-Sheng Liu, Feng-Min Li, Hao Xu
págs. 41-48
Effect of cultural practices on soil properties, moisture conservation and grain yield of winter sorghum (Sorghum bicolar L. Moench) in semi-arid tropics of India
S.L. Patil, M.N. Sheelavantar
págs. 49-67
Unsaturated flow of different quality irrigation waters through clay, clay loam and silt loam soils and its dependence on soil and solution parameters
S.K. Chaudhari, R.B. Somawanshi
págs. 69-90
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