Cooperate or speciate: new theory for the distribution of passerine birds
Michael C. Double, Robert Heinsohn
págs. 55-57
Ecological and evolutionary implications of immunological priming in invertebrates
Alex R. Kraaijeveld, Tom J. Little
págs. 58-60
Biological control and indirect effects
Paolo Casula, Andrew Wilby, Matthew B. Thomas
pág. 61
págs. 62-63
Human expansion: the roles of castaways and cultural practices
V. Benno Meyer-Rochow
pág. 63
págs. 64-65
Madeleine Beekman
págs. 65-66
págs. 66-67
págs. 67-68
Jamie M. Bacher, Andrew D. Ellington, Randall A. Hughes, J. Tze-Fei Wong
págs. 69-75
Genetic details, optimization and phage life histories
Ing-Nang Wang, James J. Bull, David W. Pfennig
págs. 76-82
A major evolutionary transition to more than two sexes?
Joel D. Parker
págs. 83-86
Sexual selection and genital evolution
Paula Stockley, David J. Hosken
págs. 87-93
Adaptation to natural flow regimes
David A. Lytle, N. LeRoy Poff
págs. 94-100
Model selection in ecology and evolution
Jerald B. Johnson, Kristian S. Omland
págs. 101-108
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