págs. 329-356
págs. 357-382
págs. 383-394
Thomas Dempster, Royal Historian to James I, and Classical Scholarship in Early Stuart England
William Stenhouse
págs. 395-410
págs. 411-446
págs. 447-474
Old King, New King, Eclipsed Sons, and Abandoned Altars in Hamlet
Elizabeth S. Watson
págs. 475-500
págs. 501-503
págs. 503-505
págs. 505-506
Art and Music in the Early Modern Period: Essay in Honor of Franca Trinchieri Camiz (Book)
Mattias Lundberg
págs. 506-508
págs. 508-509
págs. 509-511
págs. 511-513
Gregory B. Graybill
págs. 513-515
I devoti della craità: Le confraternite del Divino Amore nell'Italia del primo Cinquecento (Book)
William V. Hudon
págs. 515-517
The Religious Orders in Pre-Reformation England (Book)
Marshall Crossnoe
págs. 517-518
págs. 518-520
Shakespeare and Machiavelli (Book)
Patricia Wareh
págs. 520-521
Painting and Patronage in Cologne, 1300-1500 (Book)
Andrea G. Pearson
págs. 522-523
Kings, Politics, and the Right Order of the World in German Historiography c. 950-1150 (Book)
Gary W. Jenkins
págs. 523-524
págs. 524-526
Medieval and Early Modern Ritual: Formalized Behavior in Europe, China, and Japan (Book)
Karen F. Spierling
págs. 526-528
Joachim Whaley
págs. 528-529
págs. 529-531
págs. 529-531
Shakespeare and the Force of Modern Performance (Book)
Regina M. Buccola
págs. 531-532
págs. 533-534
págs. 534-536
págs. 537-538
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