A. J. Wilcox
pág. 513
págs. 514-516
págs. 517-518
págs. 519-520
págs. 521-522
When Can Risk-Factor Epidemiology Provide Reliable Tests?
D. G. Mayo, A. Spanos
págs. 523-524
Presents Can Come in Black Boxes, too
N. S. Weiss
págs. 525-526
S. Greenland, M. Gago-Dominguez
págs. 527-528
The Value of Risk-Factor ("Black-Box") Epidemiology
S. Greenland, M. Gago-Dominguez
págs. 529-535
C. Smit, D. Uitenbroek, R. Geskus
págs. 536-542
Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Injection Drug Users: Survival Analysis of Time to Seroconversion
H. Hagan, H. Thiede, D. C. D. Jarlais
págs. 543-549
págs. 550-556
The Relation Between Birth Weight and Intima-Media Thickness in Middle-Aged Adults
L. Chambless, George Davey Smith, K. Tilling
págs. 557-564
Effect of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Mortality Among Hypertensive and Normotensive Women and Men
K. R. Evenson
págs. 565-572
The Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Interactions of Types of Physical Activity
E. Fransson, U. de Faire
págs. 573-582
Is the Increase in Coronary Events on Mondays an Artifact?
A. G. Barnett, A. J. Dobson
págs. 583-588
Differential Misclassification of Exposure in Case-Crossover Studies
A.-C. Hessen-Soderman, J. Moller
págs. 589-596
Maternal Plasma Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
M. A. Williams, C. Zhang, T. K. Sorensen
págs. 597-604
págs. 605-614
A Structural Approach to Selection Bias
M. A. Hernan, S. Hernandez-Diaz
págs. 615-625
págs. 626-633
Current Smoking at Menopause Rather Than Duration Determines the Onset of Natural Menopause
K. M. van Asselt
págs. 634-639
K. J. Rothman
págs. 640-644
Month of Birth Predicts Lung Cancer Mortality in Siberia
V. N. Melnikov
pág. 645
G. J. Boyle
págs. 646-647
Caffeine and Spontaneous Abortion
G. K. LeMasters, C. C. Lawson
pág. 646
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