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Revealing urban residents’ intention to pay for the greening of farmland in the urban fringe by extending the theory of planned behavior
Revealing urban residents’ intention to pay for the greening of farmland in the urban fringe by extending the theory of planned behavior
Núm. 141
Pág. 35
Land use policy
Zhang, Kangjie
Li, Fuduo
Li, Huanli
Yin, Changbin
Comportamiento de desarrollo productivo rural y agrícola. Una revisión de literatura desde la teoría del comportamiento planificado entre 2008 y 2022
Comportamiento de desarrollo productivo rural y agrícola. Una revisión de literatura desde la teoría del comportamiento planificado entre 2008 y 2022
Vol. 8
Núm. 3
Pág. 51-70
INNOVA Research Journal
Ordóñez, Daniel Yiwady
Aragón Sánchez, Nicolas
Ríos Chávez, José Julián
Rodríguez Porto, Robert
Are adaptation strategies to climate change gender neutral? Lessons learned from paddy farmers in Northern Iran
Are adaptation strategies to climate change gender neutral? Lessons learned from paddy farmers in Northern Iran
Núm. 125
Pág. 24
Land use policy
Goli, Imaneh
Azadi, Hossein
Najafabadi, Maryam Omidi
Lashgarara, Farhad
Viira, Ants-Hannes
Kurban, Alishir
Sklenicka, Petr
Janečková, Kristina
Witlox, Frank
Combating climate change – What, where and how to implement adaptive measures in the agriculture sector of Öland, Sweden, keeping in view the constraints of carrying capacities and risk of maladaptation
Combating climate change – What, where and how to implement adaptive measures in the agriculture sector of Öland, Sweden, keeping in view the constraints of carrying capacities and risk of maladaptation
Núm. 122
Pág. 25
Land use policy
Asim Ibrahim, Muhammad
Johansson, Marie
* Último cálculo de métricas Dialnet: 09-Feb-2025