Profilaxis antibiótica en cesáreas (1989) Huamán Guerrero, Moisés Pacheco Romero, José Palomino Romero, César Gómez Milares, Mery Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia Vol. 35 Núm. 8 Pág. 22-26

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Artículos citantes

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Nursing care in patients with cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes in the obstetrics and gynecology service of a Lima hospital, 2022 Núm. 1 Pág. 19
2023 Multidisciplinar (Montevideo)
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Nursing care in a patient with cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes in the obstetrics and gynecology service of a hospital in Lima, 2022
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* Último cálculo de métricas Dialnet: 02-Feb-2025