Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Minimum Intervention Measures on Young Offenders
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 702-709
4 |
Prediction of Adolescents doing Physical Activity after Completing Secondary Education
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 90-100
4 |
Traits that Define the Different Alcohol Intensive Consume Type during the Practice of "Botellon"
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 256-264
3 |
Batterer Men in Prison and in Court-Referred Treatment Programmes: What is the Difference?
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 315-322
3 |
Interparental Violence and Children's Long-Term Psychosocial Adjustment: The Mediating Role of Parenting Practices
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 145-155
3 |
Emotional and social problems in adolescents from a gender perspective
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1013-1023
3 |
Reliability and Sources of Validity Evidence of the Oviedo Schizotypy Assessment Questionnaire-Abbreviated (ESQUIZO-Q-A)
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 840-849
3 |
Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-18) : factorial Structure, Reliability and Validity
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 357-366
2 |
Validation of Children's Depression Scale in the vasque-speaking population
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1400-1410
2 |
Relationship between Schizotypal and Borderline Traits in College Students
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 306-314
2 |
Screening Utility of the Social Anxiety Screening Scale in Spanish Speaking Adolescents
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 710-723
2 |
Elucidating the role of recovery experiences in the job demands-resources model
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 659-669
2 |
The Relationship between Early Lexical and Grammatical Development in Spanish: Evidence in Children with Different Linguistic Levels
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 112-123
2 |
A Study of Patients who go to a Psychology Clinic Seeking Treatment
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 275-285
1 |
The Role of Personality and Intelligence in Assortative Mating
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 680-687
1 |
About the Dark and Bright Sides of Self-efficacy : Workaholism and Work Engagement
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 688-701
1 |
Coping strategies : gender differences and development throughout life span
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1089-1098
1 |
Adaptation of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire in a Spanish sample of athletes
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1529-1536
1 |
Reciprocity of temporary and permanent workers : an exploratory study in an industrial company
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1163-1176
1 |
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment for major depressive disorder in a University Psychology Clinic
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1388-1399
1 |
What predicts retention on an in-prison drug treatment program?
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1349-1360
1 |
Risk and protective factors of dissocial behavior in a probability sample
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 736-747
1 |
The role of perceptual information in familiarity-based scene recognition
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 901-909
1 |
Age Differences in Source Monitoring and Referent Discrimination
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 20-28
1 |
Dynamic criteria: a longitudinal analysis of professional basketball players' outcomes
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1133-1146
1 |
Substance use in Portuguese and Spanish adolescents : highlights from differences, similarities and moderating effects
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 3
Pág. 1024-1037
1 |
Neuropsychological Evaluation of High-Risk Children from Birth to Seven Years of Age
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 101-111
1 |
Validity Evidence based on Internal Structure of Scores on the Spanish Version of the Self-Description Questionnaire-II
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 388-398
1 |
The Benefits of Chess for the Intellectual and Social-Emotional Enrichment in Schoolchildren
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 551-559
1 |
Parental Socialization Styles, Parents' Educational Level, and Sexist Attitudes in Adolescence
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 592-603
1 |
The Spanish Validation of Level of Expressed Emotion Scale for Relatives of People with Eating Disorders
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 825-839
1 |
Computerized Adaptive Testing: The Capitalization on Chance Problem
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 424-441
1 |
Differences between Inmigrant and National Students in Motivational Variables and Classroom-Motivational-Climate Perception
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 1
Pág. 61-74
1 |
Assessment of a Sexual Coercion Prevention Program for Adolescents
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Vol. 15
Núm. 2
Pág. 560-570
1 |