Connecting blog, Twitter and Facebook use with gaps in knowledge and participation
Vol. 27
Núm. 4
Pág. 33-50
7 |
Campaigning on Twitter : Towards the "Personal Style" Campaign to Activate the Political Engagement During the 2011 Spanish General Elections
Vol. 27
Núm. 1
Pág. 83-106
4 |
Twitter as a public service medium? : a content analysis of the Twitter use made by Radio RAI and RNE
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 125-146
4 |
Transmedia contents created around Spanish television series in 2013 : typology, analysis, overview and trends
Vol. 27
Núm. 4
Pág. 73-96
4 |
Advertising self-regulation. A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and Spain
Vol. 27
Núm. 3
Pág. 1-18
3 |
La Narrativa Transmedia como aliada de la Comunicación Corporativa : estudio del caso #Dropped by Heineken
Vol. 27
Núm. 3
Pág. 127-150
2 |
Movimientos sociales, redes sociales y Web 2.0 : el caso del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad
Vol. 27
Núm. 1
Pág. 183-203
2 |
Three decades of advertising research in Spain : analysis of scientific communication journals (1980-2013)
Vol. 27
Núm. 4
Pág. 49-71
2 |
Young users and the digital divide : readers, participants or creators on Internet?
Vol. 27
Núm. 4
Pág. 147-156
2 |
Análisis de la incidencia de la dieta de servicios digitales en la utilidad y confianza de la información en internet en los jóvenes universitarios
Vol. 27
Núm. 1
Pág. 59-81
2 |
Twitter as an advertising and corporate communication channel
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 21-54
2 |
Family context, television and perceived values. A cross-cultural study with adolescents
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 79-99
1 |
Teaching Communication and its adaptation to the EHEA as object of research: an overview
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 221-239
1 |
Visual framing of European Years in Romanian public communication campaign blogs
Vol. 27
Núm. 1
Pág. 107-125
1 |
Community building in the digital age : dynamics of online sports discussion
Vol. 27
Núm. 3
Pág. 83-105
1 |
The media reputation of Spain during the global financial crisis
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 1-20
1 |
The Homogeneity Process in the Online Media Agenda : a Comparative Analysis of Spanish and Foreign Online Media
Vol. 27
Núm. 3
Pág. 19-41
1 |
Quoting and Misquoting Aristotle's Poetics in Recent Screenwriting Bibliography
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 55-78
1 |
Personality in interaction : how the Big Five relate to the reception of interactive narratives
Vol. 27
Núm. 3
Pág. 151-186
1 |
Paid news vs free news : evolution of the business model from a content perspective (2010-2012)
Vol. 27
Núm. 2
Pág. 147-167
1 |