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IDR 2022

Spanish yearbook of international law

Artículos publicados en 2019

Total de citas: 9 (6 nacionales y 3 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
A commentary on the supreme court’s judgment of 17 july 2018 (sts 1263/2018) and its supposed impact for a legally binding value of the decisions adopted by the committee on the elimination of discrimination against women (cedaw) (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 129-145 2
The legal value of the views and interim measures adopted by united nations treaty bodies (a response to the opinions of E. Jimenez Pineda, C. Jiménez Sánchez and B. Vázquez Rodríguez) (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 146-165 1
Some reflections on good faith during negotiations in recent icj cases (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 31-69 1
The expansion of state authority over the neighbouring states through informal migration controls : The case of Hungary’s control over Serbia (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 306-316 1
The extraterritorial application of European Union Data Protection Law (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 413-425 1
Shrinking protection space through gatekeeping and fencing strategies : The impact of eu´s migration control on the protection of asylum seekers and forced migrants at eu’s external borders (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 170-182 1
Human rights committees : Their nature and legal relevance in spain (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 104-128 1
In the name of solidarity and human values : Rescue operations at high seas by ngos vs. The international legal order (2019) Núm. 23 Pág. 248-262 1