Forest systems
Citas emitidas
por artículos de Ferreti, F.
Total de citas: 6
Artículo citado | Citas recibidas |
Simulation tools for decision support to adaptive forest management in Europe (2010) Vol. 19 Núm. 1 Pág. 86-99 | 2 |
Empirical guidelines for forest management decision support sysems based on the past experiences of the expert's community (2013) Vol. 22 Núm. 2 Pág. 320-339 | 2 |
Models for supporting forest management in a changing environmental (2010) Vol. 19 Núm. 1 Pág. 8-29 | 1 |
Trends in modelling to address forest management and environment challenges in Europe (2010) Vol. 19 Núm. 1 Pág. 3-7 | 1 |