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“There’s no way we can teach all of this” : Factors that inf...

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Artículo citado
"It's not like [I'm] Chinese and Canadian. I am in between" : Ethnicity and Students' Conceptions of Historical Significance (2010) Vol. 38 Núm. 4 Pág. 574-617
A turn to practice : Core practices in social studies teacher education (2020) Vol. 48 Núm. 4 Pág. 583-610
When Increasing Stakes Need Not Mean Increasing Standards: The Case of the New York State Global History and Geography Exam (2002) Vol. 30 Núm. 4 Pág. 488-515
Students' Understanding of Historical Significance (1994) Vol. 22 Núm. 3 Pág. 281-304
“Happy Professional Development at an Unhappy Time” : Learning to Teach for Historical Thinking in a High-Pressure Accountability Context (2017) Vol. 45 Núm. 2 Pág. 248-285
From a Roar to a Murmur : Virginia's History & Social Science Standards, 1995-2009 (2010) Vol. 38 Núm. 1 Pág. 80-113
Differential effects of state testing policies and school characteristics on social studies educators’ gate-keeping autonomy : A multilevel mode (2020) Vol. 48 Núm. 1 Pág. 74-100
Understanding Pedagogical Reasoning in History Teaching through the Case of Cultivating Historical Empathy (2007) Vol. 35 Núm. 4 Pág. 592-630
"Best Not to Forget Them": Secondary Students' Judgments of Historical Significance in Northern Ireland (2005) Vol. 33 Núm. 1 Pág. 9-44