Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology an international publication of earth sciences

Citas recibidas
en artículos de Ortega Coloma, Francisco Javier

Total de citas: 9

Artículo citante Citas emitidas
Three-dimensional analysis of the titanosaurian limb skeleton : implications for systematic analysis Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology (2020) 2
First record of Triassic marine reptiles (Nothosauria, Sauropterygia) from the Alpujarride Complex (Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera, Spain) Estudios geológicos (2020) 2
The Iberian Triassic fossil record of Sauropterygia : an update Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology (2020) 2
First evidence of a bothremydid turtle, crown Pleurodira, in the middle Cretaceous of Castile and Leon, Spain Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology (2020) 1
New data on sauropod palaeobiodiversity at the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of Spain, Burgos Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology (2020) 1
An update of the spinosaurid, Dinosauria, Theropoda, fossil record from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula : distribution, diversity, and evolutionary history Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology (2020) 1