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Updated stratigraphic framework and biota of the Ediacaran and Terreneuvian in the Alcudia-Toledo Mountains of the Central Iberian Zone, Spain

Total de citas: 6

Artículo citado
The Furongian break‑up, rift/drift, unconformity in the central Anti‑Atlas, Morocco (2018)
A review of the Ossa-Morena Zone and its limits : implications for the definition of the Lusitan-Marianic Zone (2004)
Consideraçoes sobre a estratigrafia do Complexo Xisto-Grauváquico (CXG) e sua relaçao com o Paleozóico Inferior (1984)
El Complejo esquisto-grauváquico en el área de Las Hurdes y Sierra de Gata, provincia de Salamanca y Cáceres, España (1984)
Los materiales anteordovícicos del Anticlinal de Navalpino (provincias de Badajoz y Ciudad Real, - España central) (1984)
40Ar/39Ar chronological constraints on syn‑ and post‑Variscan biotite porphyroblasts from the Iberian Chains, NE Spain (2018)