Cuadernos de geología ibérica = Journal of iberian geology an international publication of earth sciences

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Lozano, G.

Total de citas: 4

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Seismicity and potencially active faults in the Northwest and Central-West Iberian Peninsula (2012) 1
Geometry, structures and evolution of the western termination of the Alpine-Pyrenean Orogen reliefs (NW Iberian Peninsula) (2011) 1
The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI v.2.0) (2012) 1
Contribution of active faults in the intraplate area of Iberia to seismic hazard : the Alentejo-Plasencia Fault (2012) 1