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Comunicación y sociedad = Communication & Society
Male Presence in Gender Research Networks in the Communicati...
Total de citas: 8
Artículo citado
Aproximación teórica al concepto de prensa femenina
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Núm. 2
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The occupational roles of television fiction characters in Spain : distinguishing traits in gender representation
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Núm. 1
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Privacy, self-disclosure and self-image of Spanish teenagers on social networking sites : the case of Fotolog
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Investigación en Comunicación : estudio bibliométrico de las Revistas de Comunicación en España
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Leisure, interpersonal relationships, learning and consumption : the four key dimensions for the study of minors and screens
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The Representation of Women¿s Roles in Television Series in Spain : analysis of the Basque and Catalan Cases
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Núm. 3
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Explanatory factors of preferences for domestically-produced versus American-made fiction series
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Núm. 1
Pág. 149-169
El tratamiento informativo de las víctimas de violencia de género en Euskadi : "Deia", "El Correo", "El País" y "Gara" (2002-2009)
Vol. 24
Núm. 2
Pág. 435-466