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Land use policy
The International Journal Covering All Aspects of Land Use
Placing China’s land marketization : The state, market, and ...
Total de citas: 19
Artículo citado
Key issues of land use in China and implications for policy making
Núm. 40
Pág. 6-12
Effect of land-centered urbanization on rural development : A regional analysis in China
Núm. 87
Pág. 68-68
How did industrial land supply respond to transitions in state strategy? An analysis of prefecture-level cities in China from 2007 to 2016
Núm. 87
Pág. 7-7
Market-led transactions and illegal land use : Evidence from China
Núm. 84
Pág. 12-20
Promotion incentives, infrastructure construction, and industrial landscapes in China
Núm. 87
Pág. 66-66
Land use dynamics driven by rural industrialization and land finance in the peri-urban areas of China : “The examples of Jiangyin and Shunde”
Núm. 45
Pág. 117-127
Industrial land price between China’s Pearl River Delta and Southeast Asian regions : Competition or Coopetition?
Núm. 61
Pág. 575-586
Land marketization, fiscal decentralization, and the dynamics of urban land prices in transitional China
Núm. 89
Pág. 5
How did land titling affect China’s rural land rental market? Size, composition and efficiency
Núm. 82
Pág. 609-619
The impact of anti-corruption measures on land supply and the associated implications : The case of China
Núm. 95
Pág. 54
Revenue, time horizon, and land allocation in China
Núm. 62
Pág. 101-112
Introduction to land use and rural sustainability in China
Núm. 74
Pág. 1-4
Efficiency of construction land allocation in China : An econometric analysis of panel data
Núm. 74
Pág. 261-272
Review of the evolution of cultivated land protection policies in the period following China’s reform and liberalization
Núm. 67
Pág. 660-669
Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China : II. A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing
Núm. 72
Pág. 372-380
Urban–rural transformation in relation to cultivated land conversion in China : Implications for optimizing land use and balanced regional development
Núm. 47
Pág. 218-224
Land use transitions and land management : A mutual feedback perspective
Núm. 74
Pág. 111-120
Rural land system reforms in China : History, issues, measures and prospects
Núm. 91
Pág. 54
Land-use changes and land policies evolution in China’s urbanization processes375-387
Núm. 75
Pág. 375-387