Land use policy The International Journal Covering All Aspects of Land Use

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Tan, Rong

Total de citas: 52

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Governing farmland conversion: Comparing China with the Netherlands and Germany (2009) Núm. 26 Pág. 961-974 2
Decentralization in a centralized system : Project-based governance for land-related public goods provision in China (2015) Núm. 47 Pág. 262-272 2
Gains and losses : Does farmland acquisition harm farmers’ welfare? (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 78-90 1
Can annual land use plan control and regulate construction land growth in China? (2020) Núm. 99 Pág. 124 1
China’s local governments breaking the land use planning quota : A strategic interaction perspective (2020) Núm. 92 Pág. 7 1
Advancing climate-smart-agriculture in developing drylands: Joint analysis of the adoption of multiple on-farm soil and water conservation technologies in West African Sahel (2017) Núm. 61 Pág. 196-207 1
Agricultural land use sustainability in Southwest Iran : Improving land leveling using consolidation plans (2020) Núm. 94 Pág. 63 1
Land consolidation and rural revitalization in China : Mechanisms and paths (2020) Núm. 91 Pág. 18 1
An analysis of the joint adoption of water conservation and soil conservation in Central Chile (2013) Núm. 32 Pág. 292-301 1
Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: Factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica (2010) Núm. 27 Pág. 1132-1142 1
Planning consistency and implementation in urbanizing China : Comparing urban and land use plans in suburban Beijing (2020) Núm. 94 Pág. 9 1
Cultivated land protection and rational use in China (2021) Núm. 106 Pág. 12 1
The territorial politics of land use planning in Laos (2019) Núm. 83 Pág. 346-356 1
The coupled relationships between land development and land ownership at China’s urban fringe : A structural equation modeling approach (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 43 1
Agricultural land protection in China: a case study of local governance in Zhejiang Province (2001) Núm. 18 Pág. 329-340 1
Land tenure in Brazil : The question of regulation and governance (2015) Núm. 42 Pág. 509-516 1
Land tenure security and adoption of modern rice technology in Odisha, Eastern India : Revisiting Besley’s hypothesis (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 236-244 1
Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and food security threats : Effects of land tenure in Zambia (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 532-538 1
Understanding and evaluating the resilience of rural human settlements with a social-ecological system framework : The case of Chongqing Municipality, China (2024) Núm. 136 Pág. 2 1
Landholders’ perception of conversion of steep lands to orchard schemes : Land use policy implications in North Iran (2021) Núm. 102 Pág. 18 1
Agricultural land fragmentation in Iran : Application of game theory (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 57 1
Urban–rural transformation in relation to cultivated land conversion in China : Implications for optimizing land use and balanced regional development (2015) Núm. 47 Pág. 218-224 1
Who drives the formation and adoption of the "increasing versus decreasing balance policy"?—Evidence from a policy process analysis (2019) Núm. 80 Pág. 175-184 1
The ‘new’ African customary land tenure. Characteristic, features and policy implications of a new paradigm (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 897-903 1
Decision-making in soil conservation: application of a behavioral model to potato farmers in Sri Lanka (2004) Núm. 21 Pág. 321-331 1
Community-based rural residential land consolidation and allocation can help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agricultural areas of China : Evidence from Dancheng County, Henan Province (2014) Núm. 39 Pág. 188-198 1
Household adoption behaviour of improved soil conservation: the case of the North Pare and West Usambara Mountains of Tanzania (2000) Núm. 17 Pág. 321-336 1
Land consolidation boosting poverty alleviation in China : Theory and practice (2019) Núm. 82 Pág. 339-348 1
Land finance dependence and urban land marketization in China : The perspective of strategic choice of local governments on land transfer (2020) Núm. 99 Pág. 198 1
Land tenure reforms and persistence of land conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa – The case of Botswana (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 337-345 1
Understanding local government debt financing of infrastructure projects in China : Evidence based on accounting data from local government financing vehicles (2024) Núm. 136 Pág. 7 1
Patterns of revenue distribution in rural residential land consolidation in contemporary China : The perspective of property rights delineation (2020) Núm. 97 Pág. 61 1
Industrial land supply at different technological intensities and its contribution to economic growth in China : A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (2021) Núm. 101 Pág. 53 1
Economic development and farmland protection : An assessment of rewarded land conversion quotas trading in Zhejiang, China (2014) Núm. 38 Pág. 467-476 1
Rigidity with partial elasticity : Local government adaptation under the centralized land quota system in China (2022) Núm. 118 Pág. 6 1
Land consolidation for rural sustainability in China : Practical reflections and policy implications (2018) Núm. 74 Pág. 137-141 1
Land tenure-related conflicts in peri-urban areas : A review (2019) Núm. 85 Pág. 218-229 1
Local farmland loss and preservation in China—A perspective of quota territorialization (2015) Núm. 49 Pág. 65-74 1
The Redundancy of Residential Land in Rural China : The evolution process, current status and policy implications (2018) Núm. 74 Pág. 179-186 1
Synthesizing the dilemmas and prospects for a peri-urban land use management framework : Evidence from Ethiopia (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 61 1
Deliberation or doctrine? Land use and spatial planning for sustainable development in Sweden (2013) Núm. 34 Pág. 301-313 1
Land acquisition compensation in post-reform China : Evolution, structure and challenges in Hangzhou (2015) Núm. 46 Pág. 250-257 1
Population stress : A spatiotemporal analysis of population change and land development at the county level in the contiguous United States, 2001–2011 (2018) Núm. 70 Pág. 128-137 1
Responsible consolidation of customary lands : A framework for land reallocation (2019) Núm. 83 Pág. 412-423 1
Land use institutions and social-ecological systems : A spatial analysis of local landscape changes in Poland (2022) Núm. 114 Pág. 15 1
Spatial differentiation characteristics and driving mechanism of rural-industrial Land transition : A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China (2021) Núm. 102 Pág. 50 1
Introduction to land use and rural sustainability in China (2018) Núm. 74 Pág. 1-4 1
The World Bank and market-assisted land reform in Colombia, Brazil, and Guatemala (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 9 1
The complexity of property rights embedded in the rural-to-urban resettlement of China : A case of Hangzhou (2022) Núm. 122 Pág. 45 1
Conflicts of land expropriation in China during 2006–2016 : An overview and its spatio-temporal characteristics (2018) Núm. 76 Pág. 246-251 1