Analysing the provision of agricultural public goods : The case of irrigated olive groves in Southern Spain
Núm. 38
Pág. 300-313
4 |
Territorial management contracts as a tool to enhance the sustainability of sloping and mountainous olive orchards : Evidence from a case study in Southern Spain
Núm. 41
Pág. 313-324
4 |
The design of agri-environmental schemes : Farmers’ preferences in southern Spain
Núm. 46
Pág. 142-154
4 |
The landscape of olive groves as a driver of the rural economy
Núm. 65
Pág. 164-175
3 |
Result-oriented agri-environmental schemes in Europe and their potential for promoting behavioural change
Núm. 30
Pág. 628-641
2 |
Exploring the commodification of biodiversity using olive oil producers’ willingness to accept
Núm. 107
Pág. 2
2 |
Agri-environmental policy valuation : Farmers� contract design preferences for afforestation schemes
Núm. 42
Pág. 568-577
2 |
Bringing the neighbors in : A choice experiment on the influence of coordination and social norms on farmers’ willingness to accept agro-environmental schemes across Europe
Núm. 84
Pág. 200-215
2 |
Adoption of conservation agriculture in olive groves : Evidences from southern Spain
Núm. 34
Pág. 294-300
2 |
Incorporating agri-environment schemes into farm development pathways : A temporal analysis of farmer motivations
Núm. 31
Pág. 267-279
1 |
Vulnerability of British farms to post-Brexit subsidy removal, and implications for intensification, extensification and land sparing
Núm. 107
Pág. 16
1 |
The legitimacy of result-oriented and action-oriented agri-environmental schemes : A comparison of farmers’ and citizens’ perceptions
Núm. 107
Pág. 15
1 |
Do differential payments for agri-environment schemes affect the environmental benefits? A case study in the North-Eastern Italy
Núm. 107
Pág. 17
1 |
To plant or not to plant-Irish farmers´ goals and values with regard to afforestation
Núm. 32
Pág. 155-164
1 |
Farmland abandonment, public goods and the CAP in a marginal area of Italy
Núm. 107
Pág. 10
1 |
Policy instruments for environmental public goods : Interdependencies and hybridity
Núm. 107
Pág. 14
1 |
Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas
Núm. 107
Pág. 7
1 |
Private landowners’ preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values : A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland
Núm. 107
Pág. 5
1 |
Agricultural landscapes, ecosystem services and regional competitiveness : Assessing drivers and mechanisms in nine European case study areas
Núm. 76
Pág. 735-745
1 |
Hedonic valuation of harmful algal bloom pollution : Why econometrics matters?
Núm. 107
Pág. 6
1 |
Private landowners´ approaches to planting and managing forests in the UK : What's the evidence
Núm. 36
Pág. 351-360
1 |
Farmers’ perception of co-ordinating institutions in agri-environmental measures – The example of peatland management for the provision of public goods on a landscape scale
Núm. 107
Pág. 4
1 |
Incentivising the collaborative management of mobile ecological resources
Núm. 36
Pág. 485-491
1 |
Stakeholder perspectives of wood-pasture ecosystem services : A case study from Iberian dehesas
Núm. 60
Pág. 324-333
1 |
Cost-benefit analysis of the Dutch nature policy: Transaction costs and land market impacts
Núm. 29
Pág. 827-836
1 |
Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in a globally important bird area
Núm. 107
Pág. 3
1 |
Public goods in rural areas as endogenous drivers of income : Developing a framework for country landscape valuation
Núm. 107
Pág. 9
1 |
From elite-driven to community-based governance mechanisms for the delivery of public goods from land management
Núm. 107
Pág. 13
1 |
Moving (back) to greener pastures? Social benefits and costs of climate forest planting in Norway
Núm. 107
Pág. 8
1 |
Assessment of real and perceived cost-effectiveness to inform agricultural diffuse pollution mitigation policies
Núm. 107
Pág. 11
1 |
A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach for the assessment of public-goods governance in agricultural landscapes
Núm. 107
Pág. 12
1 |
Farmers’ heterogeneous preferences towards results-based environmental policies
Núm. 102
Pág. 6
1 |