Land use policy The International Journal Covering All Aspects of Land Use

Citas emitidas
por artículos de Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene

Total de citas: 46

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Masculinity, men and patriarchal issues aside : How do women’s actions impede women’s access to land? Matters arising from a peri-rural community in Nigeria (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 39-48 3
Anatomy of women’s landlessness in the patrilineal customary land tenure systems of sub-Saharan Africa and a policy pathway (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 126-135 3
Entrepreneurship role in the co-production of public services in informal settlements − A scoping review (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 8 1
The spatial production of rural settlements as rural homestays in the context of rural revitalization : Evidence from a rural tourism experiment in a Chinese village (2023) Núm. 128 Pág. 2 1
Land governance for extractivism and capitalist farming in Africa : An overview (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 843-851 1
Factors affecting the adoption of patch-burn grazing in the southern Great Plains in the US (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 5 1
The relationship of land tenure, land use and land cover changes in Lake Victoria basin (2023) Núm. 126 Pág. 19 1
The political trust impacts of land titling in China (2023) Núm. 129 Pág. 4 1
Simulating urban growth affected by national and regional land use policies : Case study from Wuhan, China (2022) Núm. 112 Pág. 71 1
(Neo-)segregation, (neo-)racism, and one-city two-system planning in Windhoek, Namibia : What can a new national urban policy do? (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 6 1
Land use policy shocks in the post-communist urban fringe : A case study of Estonia (2013) Núm. 30 Pág. 76-83 1
Museums for ex situ tangible heritage conservation : A neo-institutional analytical and empirical economic analysis (2023) Núm. 127 Pág. 2 1
Facing post-crisis livelihood challenges? Insights from young farmers in Kenema city, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone (2023) Núm. 134 Pág. 2 1
Bi-temporal characterization of terrestrial temperature in relation to urban land use land cover dynamics and policies in Kozhikode Urban Area, India (2023) Núm. 132 Pág. 2 1
Formation of new property rights on government land through informal co-management : Case studies on countryside guerilla gardening (2017) Núm. 63 Pág. 381-393 1
Industrial agglomeration, public services and city size : Evidence from 286 cities in China (2023) Núm. 131 Pág. 12 1
Understanding cropland abandonment from economics within a representative village and its empirical analysis in Chinese mountainous areas (2023) Núm. 133 Pág. 4 1
The positive impacts of farm land fragmentation in Rwanda (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 565-581 1
Tourism-driven displacement in Naples, Italy (2023) Núm. 134 Pág. 1 1
Supra-local spatial planning practices and suburban patterns in the Barcelona and Milan urban regions (2022) Núm. 112 Pág. 16 1
Provision of ecosystem services from the management of Natura 2000 sites in Umbria (Italy) : Comparing the costs and benefits, using choice experiment (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 13-20 1
Does climate change leads to severe household-level vulnerability? Evidence from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India (2023) Núm. 130 Pág. 1 1
Rethinking Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project : Is urban greening strategy socially inclusive? (2023) Núm. 131 Pág. 10 1
The informational dimension of real estate development : A case of a "positive non-interventionist" application of the Coase Theorem (2014) Núm. 41 Pág. 225-232 1
Women’s land ownership in India : Evidence from digital land records (2023) Núm. 133 Pág. 1 1
�Where to draw the line?� That is a land use planning question for the land surveyor and the town planner (2015) Núm. 42 Pág. 619-627 1
Land supply and industrial agglomeration : Extension of the new economic geography model with land elements incorporated (2023) Núm. 132 Pág. 1 1
How social solidarity affects the outcomes of rural residential land consolidation : Evidence from Yujiang County, South China (2023) Núm. 130 Pág. 2 1
Pastoralist refugee crisis tests the resilience of open property regime in the Logone Floodplain, Cameroon (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 31-42 1
A systematic review of the institutional success factors for blockchain-based land administration (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 2 1
Research on early warning and control measures for arable land resource security (2023) Núm. 128 Pág. 1 1
Powers of exclusion and counter-exclusion : The political ecology of ethno-territorial customary land boundary conflicts in Ghana (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 12-22 1
Spatial-temporal characteristics and policy implication for non-grain production of cultivated land in Guanzhong Region (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 3 1
Testing a fit-for-purpose (FFP) model for strengthening customary land rights and tenure to improve household food security in Northwest Ghana (2021) Núm. 109 Pág. 52 1
‘Peri-urbanisation and loss of arable land’ : Indigenes’ farmland access challenges and adaptation strategies in Kumasi and Wa, Ghana (2023) Núm. 126 Pág. 10 1
Participation in property formation : Insights from land-use planning in an informal urban settlement in Tanzania (2020) Núm. 92 Pág. 37 1
Sustainable land use diagnosis based on the perspective of production–living–ecological spaces in China (2022) Núm. 122 Pág. 33 1
Spatial transition dynamics of urbanization and Rohingya refugees’ settlements in Bangladesh (2023) Núm. 133 Pág. 3 1
Conflicts in urban peripheries in Europe (2023) Núm. 133 Pág. 2 1
Community participation for inclusive land administration : A case study of the Odisha urban slum formalization project (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 4 1
The inheritance of apartheid planning in South Africa (1986) Núm. 3 Pág. 330-335 1
The peri-urban cadastre of Addis Ababa : Status, challenges, and fit-for-purpose prospects (2023) Núm. 125 Pág. 9 1