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Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos ( AELFE )
Citas emitidas
por artículos de
Valeiras Jurado, Julia
Total de citas: 8
Artículo citado
Citas recibidas
Revisiting persuasion in oral academic and professional genres : Towards a methodological framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis of research dissemination talks
Núm. 35
Pág. 93-118
Bridging the gap between experts and publics : the role of multimodality in disseminating research in online videos
Núm. 37
Pág. 167-192
Modal coherence in specialised discourse : a case study of persuasive oral presentations in business and academia
Núm. 37
Pág. 87-114
Stance in TED talks : Strategic use of subjective adjectives in online popularisation
Núm. 29
Pág. 201-222
Engaging the online audience in the digital era : A multimodal analysis of engagement strategies in TED talk videos
Núm. 42
Pág. 33-58
A multimodal analysis of spoken medical English in expert-to-expert interaction in TV programmes
Núm. 37
Pág. 115-140
Beyond language : a multimodal analysis of success in non-native Business-English pitches
Núm. 37
Pág. 65-86