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Resumen de Psychological capital and achievement motivation as determinants of academic engagement of secondary school students in Awka education zone

Elizabeth Ifeoma Anierobi

  • This study determined psychological capital and achievement motivation as determinants ofacademic engagement among secondary school students in Awka Education Zone. The studyadopted the correlation research design and guided by three research questions and three nullhypotheses tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised 4,211senior secondary class two (SS2) students in Awka Education Zone from which a sample sizeof 422 was drawn through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Three instruments used for thestudy were validated by three experts in the field of Education. The Cronbach Alpha methodwas adopted in determining the reliability of the instruments and they yielded alpha coefficientsof 0.56, 0.77 and 0.71 for the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ), AchievementMotivation Questionnaire (AMQ) and Academic Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ)respectively. Data collected were analyzed using simple correlation to answer researchquestions and simple regression analyses for testing the null hypotheses. Findings showed thatboth psychological capital and achievement motivation separately and jointly contributedpositively to the academic engagement of the students. Based on the findings of the study, itwas recommended that stakeholders should continue to boost the psychological capital andmotivate students to improve their academic engagement

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